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ISBN10: 1260260534 | ISBN13: 9781260260533

* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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"Reading this new edition of Organizational Behavior and Management, students become involved participants in learning about behavior and management. The 12th edition combines text, self-learning exercises, group participation exercises, and cases. These elements are directed at students interested in attempting to predict the behavior of people working in organizations.
Organizational functioning is complex. This edition devotes attention to encouraging the development of these probing and diagnostic skills. The first step in this development is for each reader to increase his or her own self-awareness.
Fundamental themes are woven throughout the book, including globalization, managing diversity and demographic changes, technological changes, ethics and social responsibility. These themes are consistent with the recommendations for balanced subject matter coverage made by the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business/International Association for Management Education."
PARTONE: The Field of Organizational Behavior
Chapter1: Effective Managers Understand OrganizationalBehavior
Chapter2: International and Organizational Culture
PARTTWO: Understanding and Managing Individual Behavior
Chapter3: Individual Differences at Work
Chapter4: Perceptions and Attributions
Chapter5: Motivation
Chapter6: Job Design and Performance
Chapter 7: Evaluation and Rewards Influence Behavior
Chapter8: Managing Employee Behavior
Chapter9: Managing Individual Stress
PARTTHREE: Group Behavior and Interpersonal Influence
Chapter10: Groups and Teams
Chapter11: Managing Conflict and Negotiations
Chapter12: Power and Politics
PARTFOUR: Organizational Processes
Chapter13: Communicating Effectively
Chapter 14: Decision Making
Chapter15: Leadership
PARTFIVE: Organizational Design, Change, and Innovation
Chapter16: Organizational Structure and Design
Chapter17: Managing Organizational Change
APPENDIXA: Quantitative and Qualitative Research Techniquesfor Studying Organizational Behavior and Management Practice
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