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Program Details

The Geometer’s Sketchpad is a powerful tool which is fun and effective for exploring math concepts. Increase engagement and understanding with tangible, visual math.​

If you are new to Geometer’s Sketchpad via ConnectED, here are some options to build familiarity with Sketchpad.

Sketchpad Tips are a quick overview of Sketchpad’s tools and menu commands. Click the category below to open step-by-step directions and supporting visuals.

This library of classroom-ready activities and projects addresses a wide-range of mathematical topics. Each of these activities includes an overview, teaching notes, student worksheet, and sketches as needed.

Current Geometer's Sketchpad Software users will find Sketchpad Activity Modules to be the perfect supplement to support hands-on learning in the classroom.

Elementary Level Modules

Elementary Activities explore concepts form numbers, operations, geometry, and measurements for students in Grades 3–5.

Activities to Purchase

Exploring Number and Operations in Grades 3–5
ISBN: 1604401923
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Exploring Geometry and Measurements in Grades 3–5
ISBN: 1604402202
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Middle School Level Modules

Activities for Grades 6–8 explore ratio, proportion, probability, equations, expressions, and geometry.

Activities to Purchase

Exploring Ratio, Proportion, & Probability in Grades 6–8
ISBN: 1604402288
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Exploring Expressions and Equations in Grades 6–8
ISBN: 1604402261
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Exploring Plane and Solid Geometry in Grades 6–8
ISBN: 160440227X
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Shape Makers: Developing Geometric Reasoning in Middle School
ISBN: 1604402806
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High School Level Modules

Transform teaching and learning of Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, Precalculus, and Calculus with activities designed to engage students

Activities to Purchase

Exploring Algebra 1
ISBN: 1604402210
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Exploring Geometry
ISBN: 1604402229
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Exploring Algebra 2
ISBN: 1604402237
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Exploring Precalculus
ISBN: 1604402245
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Exploring Calculus
ISBN: 1604402253
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Exploring Conic Sections
ISBN: 1604402776
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Rethinking Proof
ISBN: 1604402792
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Pythagoras Plugged Proofs and Problems for the Geometer's Sketchpad
ISBN: 1604402814
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