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Making online learning work for schools, colleges and learners affected by COVID-19
An updated list of support for schools and learners affected by the Coronavirus

McGraw Hill extends a heartfelt thanks to educators and school leaders for their heroic work during this emergency shift to online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. During this unprecedented time, millions of learners were able to quickly shift their schoolwork online to help protect themselves from the virus. This was no small feat. At McGraw Hill alone in Spring 2020, we helped thousands of instructors move their in-person courses online, signed up 130,000 new K–12 student users on our learning platforms, delivered hundreds of webinars and answered countless calls and emails asking for help.
Throughout this school year and beyond, educators and students are facing difficult questions about how to safely support students while continuing to provide quality learning experiences at scale.
We think it's crucial that we help in any way we can.
As college administrators and faculty plan for the summer, fall and beyond, we're here to help. Through a new partnership with the Online Learning Consortium (OLC), McGraw Hill faculty consultants are certified to mentor and train instructors on effective online learning practices, including course design, facilitation and assessment. Another aspect of the partnership involves offering pre-configured courseware that is aligned with the OLC's quality scorecard for online instruction. We will continue to provide free training and support for our McGraw Hill Connect and ALEKS digital learning platforms, which are used by millions of students across the U.S.
For more information on how faculty can get help and set up their courses online, visit these how-to pages:
We recognize that schools across the country are taking many different approaches to delivering instruction — some in person, some online and some blended. That's why we're committed to ensuring that educators and parents have the tools and resources they need during this uncertain time. K–12 remote learning support and free resources for educators and parents can be found here. We've provided product and platform trainings throughout the year to support educators. Additional resources can found here
In McGraw Hill Professional, we've created distance learning tools to provide guidance to instructors on how to utilize AccessMedicine, AccessEngineering and AccessScience online resources in a remote teaching pedagogy. Customers who need support transitioning to digital can also get assistance through these links for our Access medical, engineering and science solutions, or email us at
For support outside of the U.S., where many of our teams in affected countries have been working hard to support schools and colleges, visit this page for help:
In addition, we are offering some free resources to help people stay updated on COVID-19. The team of authors and experts behind our AccessMedicine reference source is continuing to update a "COVID Central" resource site, which reports on developments and analysis in clinical medicine and public health. It is available to everyone and can be found here.
We recognize that the future is still very uncertain and will continue to provide you with the resources you need to continue to support your teaching and learning as your needs evolve.
Our customer service teams around the world continue to provide support. For inquiries or updates on Coronavirus-related disruptions, visit this help page.