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What We’re Reading at McGraw-Hill: January 2020
A monthly list of interesting articles that are getting passed around the halls here at McGraw-Hill.

Each month, we’ll share some interesting articles that are getting passed around the halls here at McGraw-Hill. Read on for more!
20 Edtech Predictions for Higher Ed in 2020
eCampus News
A look at some predictions about what trends will be most prominent in 2020 from educators and edtech professionals. According to them, there will be a larger focus on community partnerships and more dedication to underserved students this year.
All Star: Cape Teacher Wins National Award
The Cape Coral Daily Breeze
Laurie Kane, K-12 winner of the McGraw-Hill ALEKS All-Star Educator Awards, was interviewed by this Florida newspaper about how she went above and beyond for her students.
How do we put an end to America’s skill gap in reading? In this article, Mark Schneider, director of the Institute for Education Sciences (IES), discusses the ways educators can keep literacy a primary focus in their classrooms.
K-8 Coding Education Should Be Integrated For Best Outcomes
Students exposed to coding at an early age are well-equipped to take on more advanced computer science courses in high school. Read on to learn how this valuable skill could open new opportunities when they enter the workforce.
A Strategy to Help Struggling Adolescent Readers
eSchool News
According to the Nation’s Report Card, about two-thirds of eighth-graders are not proficient readers. This article shares strategies for how to prevent students from suffering through a lifetime of struggles with reading comprehension.