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Humanities, Social Science and Language

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Higher Ed Blog 

Discover the latest in education technology, curriculum ideas, and student insights.

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    Your Classroom is a Brand—What’s Yours?

    Just like great brands, memorable educators craft an experience that’s engaging, intentional, and consistently impactful. This article explores how to define, shape, and evolve your teaching style to make students want to show up.

    Tags: Instructor, Article, Classroom Best Practices, Higher Education, Blog

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    Reimagining Assessments for the AI Era: An Instructor Roundtable

    If students can use AI to answer a test question, does that question assess their learning? This session dives into how instructors are adapting their assessments to focus on problem solving, applied knowledge, and deeper understanding.

    Tags: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Higher Education, Video, Blog

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    Personalized Learning at Its Best: How SmartBook® Helps Students Study Smarter

    Want to streamline your student support hours and equip them to be proactive about their learning? Incorporate SmartBook assignments into your lesson plans. This has been a game changer for my courses since it was first introduced in McGraw Hill Connect®.

    Tags: Instructor, Article, Classroom Best Practices, Higher Education, Blog

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    Reimagining Education: A Future of Innovation and Collaboration

    Education is often referred to as the great equalizer, yet disparities in access, resources, and opportunities continue to hinder student success. As we look to the future, the challenge is not just to improve education but to reimagine it—ensuring that every learner, regardless of background, has access to meaningful, high-quality learning experiences.

    Tags: Instructor, Article, Diversity Equity & Inclusion (DEI), Higher Education, Blog

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    Streamlining Student Prep Time: Using McGraw Hill Connect® Tools Effectively

    Connect with SmartBook® is the key to my students’ success. It ensures they are prepared with the right information before the lecture. I set up my SmartBook assignments and pre-lecture quizzes with the specific learning objectives they need to have mastered before coming to the lecture.

    Tags: Instructor, Article, Classroom Best Practices, Higher Education, Blog

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    Success Story: Enhancing Marketing Education with Connect

    Instructor Carly Asher-August at Missouri State University faced several challenges in her Principles of Marketing course. With students coming in with varying levels of marketing knowledge, skill sets, and interest, she needed a comprehensive solution that could meet diverse learning needs and simplify resource access.

    Tags: Case Study, Featured, Higher Education, Blog, Connect

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    6 Free Resources to Help You Study & Learn Online

    Moving class to online does not mean that you're stuck with PowerPoints and message board discussions. These apps can help keep class entertaining and interesting.

    Tags: Online Education, Article, Student Engagement, Higher Education, Blog, Instructor, Classroom Best Practices

Case Studies

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    Case Study: The Impact of ALEKS PPL on Student Success at Iowa Central Community College

    In the summer of 2014, Iowa Central Community College joined a statewide pilot project with the ALEKS Team to implement ALEKS PPL for math placement.

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    Implementation of ALEKS PPL Waukesha County Technical College

    Retention and student success are top priorities at WCTC. ALEKS PPL was initially implemented to ensure accurate placement, particularly in Calculus, reducing unnecessary prerequisite courses and accelerating time to graduation.

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    Success Story: Enhancing Marketing Education with Connect

    Instructor Carly Asher-August at Missouri State University faced several challenges in her Principles of Marketing course. With students coming in with varying levels of marketing knowledge, skill sets, and interest, she needed a comprehensive solution that could meet diverse learning needs and simplify resource access.


  • Reimagining Assessments for the AI Era: An Instructor Roundtable

    If students can use AI to answer a test question, does that question assess their learning? This session dives into how instructors are adapting their assessments to focus on problem solving, applied knowledge, and deeper understanding.

  • Feminomics: Women in Operations & Supply Chain Management

    Join this exciting webinar, where a student moderator will lead an all-female panel of authors and instructors in a dynamic discussion on student learning, innovation, and career-readiness in Operations & Supply Chain Management. Be inspired by the achievements of women leaders and gain valuable insights to enhance your teaching strategies.

  • Shaping the Future: Author Panel on Student-Centric Innovations in the OSCM Classroom

    Join a student-led panel discussion with McGraw Hill authors Bob Jacobs, Thomas Kull, and Gerard Cachon. They will share their insights on transforming the Operations & Supply Chain Management classroom by discussing innovative teaching methods, strategies for engaging content, and approaches to fostering essential career-ready skills to prepare students for success in this dynamic field.
