Accounting Horizons published a review of Data Analytics for Accounting, 3e by Vern Richardson, Ryan Teeter, and Katie Terrell
Accounting Horizons recently published a glowing review of Data Analytics for Accounting, 3e by Vern Richardson, Ryan Teeter, and Katie Terrell. One of the standout points from the review is strength #8:
Based on this textbook, our courses have spurred our students’ interest in developing expertise in data analytics.
This textbook and its curricular materials have significantly improved our teaching effectiveness.
Also, students reported receiving internships or jobs because they took a hands-on data analytics course.
Other students have developed a deeper appreciation for data analytics and have gone on to receive graduate degrees in the field.
We appreciate this review and feedback from all our users. We continue to work on improving the accuracy of our content and strive to keep materials updated in the face of regular changes to software. To read the full review please Click Here.