We will share some of the latest updates, introduce you to our team members, and provide tips from instructors in a “Did you Know” section to share Connect features that will make your life easier.

Updates and Enhancements

Keeping our mission of Education for All at the forefront, the Connect team consistently works to improve your user experience with accessibility in mind. 

Included in the updated Connect interface, you may have heard about or seen our new Evergreen delivery model that brings the most relevant content to your course, keeping it fresh and engaging!

What is Evergreen?

Evergreen is McGraw Hill’s innovative new product delivery model and experience that uses a release-centered approach, making it easy to keep your courses current.

Here are some of the benefits to you:

  • No more switching editions or rebuilding your courses!
  • Release Notes make it easy to see detailed information about new and updated digital content with each release. You decide when to incorporate updates into your course.
  • Access to the most current content and newest tools and activities.
  • New and refreshed assessments delivered directly to your existing courses.
  • Seamless accessibility updates. 

Learn More

Roles & Permissions in Connect

Updated and enhanced roles and permissions in Connect allow for more instructor flexibility by allowing additional roles access to certain resources. Want to be sure your TAs have access to grading? Or an Additional Instructor can launch an assignment? Check out how these new roles and permissions can enhance your course experience.

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Meet the Team!

We want you to feel connected and truly know our team members who are working hard behind the scenes to support you in Connect! This month, we introduce Michelle Vogler, our Director of Courseware Solutions.

Q: How many years have you worked with Connect?
A: I’ve been at McGraw Hill for 20 years. I knew McGraw Hill before Connect was born! I began as a temp in the Chicago office before moving to Texas as a sales representative, building relationships with instructors like you. Then, portfolio manager, and director, and now working on the Connect platform. I enjoy navigating the changes in the industry and always keeping instructor and student needs at the forefront. 

Q: Tell us more about yourself and how you support our instructors and students!
A: The intersection of education and technology is exciting. We have the chance to make a real difference for the next generation! I have three young boys, so I not only value it for current students but also for the future. Recently, I helped launch the Evergreen delivery model, which brings current content directly to your course. I hope you love it!

Did You Know?

With the New Experience in Connect, you have direct access to important information a glance in your Dashboard!

Navigate your Connect Dashboard