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Student Engagement

Creating a Supportive Classroom Environment: Fostering Mental Health and Wellbeing
A classroom is one of the few places left where individuals can grow academically and personally, in a supportive, non-combative environment.
AI EmpowerED: Implementing Generative AI into Your Course
Discover best practices and how-to's for incorporating generative AI and technology into any course to empower students to learn, explore, and better understand your course.
Creating a Supportive Classroom Environment: Fostering Mental Health and Wellbeing
A classroom is one of the few places left where individuals can grow academically and personally, in a supportive, non-combative environment.
6 Free Resources to Help You Study & Learn Online
Moving class to online does not mean that you're stuck with PowerPoints and message board discussions. These apps can help keep class entertaining and interesting.
What I Learned From Teaching During the Pandemic
The pandemic changed a lot about the way instructors teach. One instructor found new tools to implement in every class and learned ways different ways to better connect and support students.
Strategies for Igniting a Student’s Passion for Learning
Students learn better when they are passionate about learning.
Teaching in an ADA World
Understanding accessibility and how to meet the needs of students can benefit everyone in the class and create more equity for all.
5 Best Practices to Make The Classroom Accessible to All
There are steps to building accessibility in the classroom that all educators can implement to engage and build equity for all learners.
Connecting & Gamifying Your Class
Building community and connection in class can be especially tough when students aren't always in the same room. With gamification, student engagement just got easier.
Why Group Work is Critical for Active Classroom Learning
Give students the ability to teach each other and take learning into their own hands with group work and the active learning approach with tips in this article.
Copiah Lincoln Community College Inclusive Access Case Study
Learn how Inclusive Access has transformed the educational experience at Copiah-Lincoln Community College.
Reduce Students Cognitive Load, Enhance Student Engagement in Lectures, Promote Deeper Learning
In this webinar recording, Dr. Huihui Qi, University of California - San Diego, shares a little of her research on cognition and learning pedagogy to help students develop a learning rhythm.
AI EmpowerED - Implementing Generative AI into Your Course
In this 45-minute webinar, esteemed educators discuss best practices and actionable strategies for teaching with Generative AI.
How Requiring Assignments May Be the Key to Student Success
An instructor shares the importance of requiring Connect in his courses and why it helps improve students' grades.