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Humanities, Social Science and Language

Digital Products

Course management and student learning tools backed by great support.

McGraw Hill GO
Greenlight learning with the new eBook+

Personalize learning and assessment

ALEKS® Placement, Preparation, and Learning
Achieve accurate math placement

Ignite mastery of MS Office and IT skills

McGraw Hill eBook & ReadAnywhere App
Get learning that fits anytime, anywhere

Sharpen: Study App
A reliable study app for students

Virtual Labs
Flexible, realistic science simulations

AI Reader
Encourage Discovery, Boost Understanding


Affordable Access
Reduce costs and increase success

LMS Integration
Log in and sync up

Content Collections powered by Create®
Curate and deliver your ideal content

Custom Courseware Solutions
Teach your course your way

Education for All
Let’s build a future where every student has a chance to succeed

Business Program
Explore business learning solutions & resources

Professional Services
Collaborate to optimize outcomes

Remote Proctoring
Validate online exams even offsite

Institutional Solutions
Increase engagement, lower costs, and improve access for your students

Updated, relevant materials—without the hassle.


General Help & Support Info
Customer Service & Tech Support contact information

Online Technical Support Center
FAQs, articles, chat, email or phone support

Support At Every Step
Instructor tools, training and resources for ALEKS, Connect & SIMnet

Instructor Sample Requests
Get step by step instructions for requesting an evaluation, exam, or desk copy

Platform System Check
System status in real time

McGraw Hill Digital Faculty Consultants

Our team of DFCs help fellow educators improve student outcomes by connecting and sharing best practices with peers deeply devoted to student success.

Your Time is Valuable. Student Success is Your Priority.

Save time and learn how you can enhance student performance by connecting with someone who walks in your shoes every day: a McGraw Hill Digital Faculty Consultant (DFC).

DFCs are instructors passionate about helping you improve outcomes in your courses.

DFCs provide support by sharing their experience through:

  • hosting one-on-one or group webinars

  • attending/presenting at workshops and conferences

  • connecting with fellow instructors by phone or email

  • visiting campuses or hosting site visits

  • collaborating with the McGraw Hill technology team to develop innovative and continually evolving digital content


Want to contact a DFC?

"I hosted a small webinar today, and a new user was thrilled to see all of the teaching tools within Connect. He was amazed that he was able to learn so much from a webinar. This was his first, and he is just starting to think about incorporating technology into his classroom. It has been exciting for me to share my experience with new users and hear how motivated and inspired they are."

- Danaè R. Quirk Dorr, Professor of Chemistry, Minnesota State University, Mankato, Digital Faculty Consultant

Get Answers!

  • How will this benefit my students?

  • How can this help me reach my goals?

  • How is this different from other adaptive/ e-homework platforms?

  • How do I integrate this into my school’s LMS?

  • What are the best practices for usage?

  • How long will it take me to learn how to use this?

  • How do I get support?

  • How do I get my peers, department leaders, and students as excited about this as I am?


  • Outcomes others have achieved using McGraw Hill digital learning solutions

  • Effective implementation and course redesign models

  • Best practices in f2f, blended, and online courses

  • Tips and tricks to save you time

  • How to set up your course

  • How to get your students engaged

  • How to use data to drive student success

Engage Now!

DFCs are prepared to engage with you in person, by phone, or by email, in group and individual settings.