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Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals 2E

ISBN10: 1260116107 | ISBN13: 9781260116106

Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals 2E
ISBN10: 1260116107
ISBN13: 9781260116106
By John Heywood

* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.

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The long-awaited revision of the most respected resource on Internal Combustion Engines --covering the basics through advanced operation of spark-ignition and diesel engines.

Written by one of the most recognized and highly regarded names in internal combustion engines this trusted educational resource and professional reference covers the key physical and chemical processes that govern internal combustion engine operation and design. Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, Second Edition, has been thoroughly revised to cover recent advances, including performance enhancement, efficiency improvements, and emission reduction technologies. Highly illustrated and cross referenced, the book includes discussions of these engines’ environmental impacts and requirements. You will get complete explanations of spark-ignition and compression-ignition (diesel) engine operating characteristics as well as of engine flow and combustion phenomena and fuel requirements. 

Coverage includes:
Engine types and their operation
Engine design and operating parameters
Thermochemistry of fuel-air mixtures
Properties of working fluids
Ideal models of engine cycles
Gas exchange processes
Mixture preparation in spark-ignition engines
Charge motion within the cylinder
Combustion in spark-ignition engines
Combustion in compression-ignition engines
Pollutant formation and control
Engine heat transfer
Engine friction and lubrication
Modeling real engine flow and combustion processes
Engine operating characteristics

Commonly Used Symbols, Subscripts, and Abbreviations
CHAPTER 1 Engine Types and Their Operation
1.1 Introduction and Historical Perspective
1.2 Engine Classifications
1.3 Engine Operating Cycles
1.4 Engine Components
1.5 Multicylinder Engines
1.6 Spark-Ignition Engine Operation
1.7 Different Types of Four-Stroke SI Engines
1.7.1 Spark-Ignition Engines with Port Fuel Injection
1.7.2 SI Engines for Hybrid Electric Vehicles
1.7.3 Boosted SI Engines
1.7.4 Direct-Injection SI Engines
1.7.5 Prechamber SI Engines
1.7.6 Rotary Engines
1.8 Compression-Ignition Engine Operation
1.9 Different Types of Diesel Engines
1.10 Two-Stroke Cycle Engine Operation
1.11 Fuels
1.11.1 Gasoline and Diesel
1.11.2 Alternative Fuels
CHAPTER 2 Engine Design and Operating Parameters
2.1 Important Engine Characteristics
2.2 Geometrical Relationships for Reciprocating Engines
2.3 Forces in Reciprocating Mechanism
2.4 Brake Torque and Power
2.5 Indicated Work per Cycle
2.6 Mechanical Efficiency
2.7 Mean Effective Pressure
2.8 Specific Fuel Consumption and Efficiency
2.9 Air/Fuel and Fuel/Air Ratios
2.10 Volumetric Efficiency
2.11 Specific Power, Specific Weight, and Specific Volume
2.12 Correction Factors for Power and Volumetric Efficiency
2.13 Specific Emissions and Emissions Index
2.14 Relationships between Performance Parameters
2.15 Engine Design and Performance Data
2.16 Vehicle Power Requirements
CHAPTER 3 Thermochemistry of Fuel-Air Mixtures
3.1 Characterization of Flames
3.2 Ideal Gas Model
3.3 Composition of Air and Fuels
3.4 Combustion Stoichiometry
3.5 The First Law of Thermodynamics and Combustion
3.5.1 Energy and Enthalpy Balances
3.5.2 Enthalpies of Formation
3.5.3 Heating Values
3.5.4 Adiabatic Combustion Processes
3.5.5 Combustion Efficiency of an Internal Combustion Engine
3.6 The Second Law of Thermodynamics Applied to Combustion
3.6.1 Entropy
3.6.2 Maximum Work from an Internal Combustion Engine and Efficiency
3.7 Chemically Reacting Gas Mixtures
3.7.1 Chemical Equilibrium
3.7.2 Chemical Reaction Rates
CHAPTER 4 Properties of Working Fluids
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Unburned Mixture Composition
4.3 Gas Property Relationships
4.4 A Simple Analytic Ideal Gas Model
4.5 Thermodynamic Property Charts
4.5.1 Unburned Mixture Charts
4.5.2 Burned Mixture Charts
4.5.3 Relation between Unburned and Burned Mixture Charts
4.6 Tables of Properties and Composition
4.7 Computer Routines for Property and Composition Calculations
4.7.1 Unburned Mixtures
4.7.2 Burned Mixtures
4.8 Transport Properties
4.9 Exhaust Gas Composition
4.9.1 Species Concentration Data
4.9.2 Equivalence Ratio Determination from Exhaust Gas Constituents
4.9.3 Effects of Fuel/Air Ratio Nonuniformity
4.9.4 Combustion Inefficiency
CHAPTER 5 Ideal Models of Engine Cycles
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Ideal Models of Engine Processes
5.3 Thermodynamic Relations for Engine Processes
5.4 Cycle Analysis with Ideal Gas Working Fluid with cv and cp Constant
5.4.1 Constant-Volume Cycle
5.4.2 Limited- and Constant-Pressure Cycles
5.4.3 Cycle Comparison
5.5 Fuel-Air Cycle Analysis
5.5.1 SI Engine Cycle Simulation
5.5.2 CI Engine Cycle Simulation
5.5.3 Results of Cycle Calculations
5.6 Overexpanded Engine Cycles
5.7 Availability Analysis of Engine Processes
5.7.1 Availability Relationships
5.7.2 Entropy Changes in Ideal Cycles
5.7.3 Availability Analysis o

About the Author

John Heywood

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