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Applied Sport Psychology: Personal Growth to Peak Performance

ISBN10: 1259922391 | ISBN13: 9781259922398

Applied Sport Psychology: Personal Growth to Peak Performance
ISBN10: 1259922391
ISBN13: 9781259922398
By Jean Williams and Vikki Krane

* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.

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Applied Sport Psychology, Eighth Edition, presents to the reader sport psychological theories, strategies, and techniques used by coaches and sport psychologists to cultivate peak performance and personal growth. Williams and Krane bridge the gap between research and practice by using examples, exercises, case studies, and anecdotes - helping students to think more critically and to apply their knowledge to real-world situations. This Eighth Edition includes a new chapter on mindfulness in sport and updates that reflect the latest statistics and research from the field.  

Applied Sport Psychology: Personal Growth to Peak Performance, 8e

CHAPTER 1: Sport Psychology: Past, Present, Future  

Part 1 Learning, Motivation, and Social Interaction

CHAPTER 2: Motor Skill Learning for Effective Coaching and Performance  
CHAPTER 3: A Positive Approach to Coaching Effectiveness and Performance Enhancement  
CHAPTER 4: The Motivational Climate, Motivation, and Implications for Empowering Athletes and the Promotion of the Quality of Sport Engagement  
CHAPTER 5: The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Theory: When Coaches’ Expectations Become Reality  
CHAPTER 6: Leadership in Sports: The Critical Importance of Coach and Athlete Leadership  
CHAPTER 7: The Sport Team as an Effective Group  
CHAPTER 8: Communicating Effectively  

Part 2 Mental Training for Performance Enhancement

CHAPTER 9: Psychological Characteristics of Peak Performance  
CHAPTER 10: Increasing Awareness for Sport Performance  
CHAPTER 11: Goal Setting for Peak Performance  
CHAPTER 12: Understanding and Managing Stress in Sport  
CHAPTER 13: Using Imagery as a Mental Training Tool in Sport  
CHAPTER 14: Cognitive Techniques for Building Confidence and Enhancing Performance  
CHAPTER 15: Concentration and Strategies for Controlling It  
CHAPTER 16: Mindfulness in Sport

Part 3 Implementing Training Programs 

CHAPTER 17: Integrating and Implementing a Psychological Skills Training Program  
CHAPTER 18: A Social-Cognitive Approach to Conducting Evidence Based Coach-Training Programs 
CHAPTER 19: Gender, Diversity, and Cultural Competence  

Part 4 Enhancing Health and Well-Being 

CHAPTER 20: When to Refer Athletes to Other Helping Professionals 
CHAPTER 21: Doping in Sport: Causes and Cures  
CHAPTER 22: Athlete Burnout: An Individual and Organizational Phenomenon  
CHAPTER 23: Injury Risk and Rehabilitation: Psychological Considerations  
CHAPTER 24: Athletes' Careers and Transitions  
CHAPTER 25: Exercise and Physical Activity Participation: An Identity-Centered Approach 

About the Author

Jean Williams

Jean M. Williams is a professor emeritus at the University of Arizona. She taught courses in stress and coping of excellence. She consulted with intercollegiate athletes and coaches and with top amateur and professional athletes. Earlier in her career she coached nationally ranked fencing teams. Williams has published nine books (seven are edited texts) and more than 100 research articles and book chapters. She is a past president, fellow, and certified consultant in the Association of Applied Sport Psychology and a fellow in the National Academy of Kinesiology.

Vikki Krane

Vikki Krane is a professor of teaching excellence in the School of Human Movement, Sport, and Leisure Studies at Bowling Green State University. Krane’s scholarship focuses on gender and sexuality in sport. She has published over 100 book chapters and journal articles and is editor of the book Sex, Gender, and Sexuality in Sport: Queer Inquiries. Krane has been the editor of The Sport Psychologist and the Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal. Krane has consulted with a variety of athletes, including at the high school, rising elite adolescent, and college levels.

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