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ISBN10: 1260104583 | ISBN13: 9781260104585

* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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Common Ground, the lower-level integrated reading and writing (IRW) companion text to the best-selling textbook Common Places, guides students through the reading and writing process at the sentence and paragraph level. Providing an easy-to-follow blueprint for students by modeling skills and behavior without being wordy, this text helps students break down each reading and writing skill with step-by-step guidance and clear visuals.
Carefully selected readings equip students not only with writing skills but also with the life skills they will need for their college careers and beyond. Common Ground’s extensive and easy-to use grammar and mechanics handbook, included in the text, is tailor-made for IRW students. The methodology relies on building blocks and takes a granular approach, teaching students from the ground up to build confidence, and provides an easy-to-follow blueprint for students, modeling skills and behavior without being wordy.
The text avoids making assumptions about students' prior knowledge or current understanding and answers even the most basic questions students might have about a topic. Students must learn to read from a writer's point of view and learn to write from a reader's point of view as this kind of self-awareness develops strong readers and writers. Content is presented through numerous graphics and tables that encapsulate processes. The graphic representation of material provides a visual reinforcement of concepts.
The text is divided into five comprehensive parts that cover skills, projects, grammar, and readings.
• Parts 1 and 2 (Chapters 1–12) cover basic and more advanced skills, ranging from subjects such as sentences and topics to critical thinking and argument.
• Part 3 (Chapters 13–15) contains extended projects that provide students with a chance to work on activities requiring sustained attention. The projects are structured so that students can complete them in two to three weeks while they are mastering the skills in Chapters 1–12.
• Part 4 contains the extensive and easy-to-use Grammar and Mechanics Handbook, which is tailored for IRW students, with a minimum of complex terminology.
• Part 5, the Anthology of Readings, contains readings and accompanying pedagogy across three themes of high interest to students and features content that will support their college work and their careers. Lexile levels are given for all readings.
A master Connect IRW course, Connect Integrated Reading and Writing: The Common Ground Master Course, aligns with chapters and features LearnSmart Achieve topics, chapter and vocabulary quizzes, and PowerPoint presentations as well as discussion board prompts for chapter concepts. Additionally, Power of Process assignments are built around selected chapter readings, and chapter reading and writing assignments are offered in the Power of Process tool and Writing Assignment features.
Chapter 2 Reading, Writing, and Vocabulary
Chapter 3 Working with Sentences
Chapter 4 Pre-Reading and Prewriting
Chapter 5 Main Ideas in Paragraphs
Chapter 6 Support in Paragraphs
Chapter 7 Text Purposes and Patterns
Chapter 8 Outlines, Graphic Organizers, and Summaries
Chapter 9 Revising, Editing, and Doing Your Best Work
Part 2 Reading and Writing—Beyond Basics
Chapter 10 Main Ideas and Support in Essays
Chapter 11 Critical Thinking about Opinions, Tone, and Inferences
Chapter 12 Reading and Writing Arguments
Part 3 Integrated Reading and Writing Projects
Chapter 13 Project 1: Why We Like Fantasy
Chapter 14 Project 2: Tips for Financial Success
Chapter 15 Project 3: The Power of Words
Part 4 Grammar and Mechanics Handbook
Unit 1 Parts of Speech
Unit 2 Writing Good Sentences
Unit 3 Working with Verbs
Unit 4 Using Pronouns Correctly
Unit 5 Working with Adjectives and Adverbs
Unit 6 Using Punctuation Correctly
Unit 7 Using Mechanics Correctly
Part 5 Anthology of Readings
Theme Who Are You?
Theme Making Positive Changes
Theme Alike in Our Differences
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