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ISBN10: 007337816X | ISBN13: 9780073378169
* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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The 7th edition includes changes reflecting modern understanding, terminology and teaching of the musculoskeletal system. There are changes on 42 different pages including many new or enhanced notes on function and 20 new descriptions or explanations of anatomical relationships. All muscle illustrations are new.
Chapter 1: The Skeleton Chapter 2: Movements of the Body Chapter 3: Muscles of the Face and Head Chapter 4: Muscles of the Neck Chapter 5: Muscles of the Trunk Chapter 6: Muscles of the Shoulder and Arm Chapter 7: Muscles of the Forearm and Hand Chapter 8: Muscles of the Hip and Thigh Chapter 9: Muscles of the Leg and Foot
Chapter 3: Muscles of the Face and Head Chapter 4: Muscles of the Neck Chapter 5: Muscles of the Trunk Chapter 6: Muscles of the Shoulder and Arm Chapter 7: Muscles of the Forearm and Hand Chapter 8: Muscles of the Hip and Thigh Chapter 9: Muscles of the Leg and Foot
Chapter 5: Muscles of the Trunk Chapter 6: Muscles of the Shoulder and Arm Chapter 7: Muscles of the Forearm and Hand Chapter 8: Muscles of the Hip and Thigh Chapter 9: Muscles of the Leg and Foot
Chapter 7: Muscles of the Forearm and Hand Chapter 8: Muscles of the Hip and Thigh Chapter 9: Muscles of the Leg and Foot
Chapter 9: Muscles of the Leg and Foot
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