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Bank Management & Financial Services

ISBN10: 0078034671 | ISBN13: 9780078034671

Bank Management & Financial Services
ISBN10: 0078034671
ISBN13: 9780078034671
By Peter Rose and Sylvia Hudgins

* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.

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Bank Management and Financial Services, now in its ninth edition, is designed primarily for students interested in pursuing careers in or learning more about the financial services industry. It explores the services that banks and their principal competitors (including savings and loans, credit unions, security and investment firms) offer in an increasingly competitive financial-services marketplace.
The ninth edition discusses the major changes and events that are remaking banking and financial services today. Among the key events and unfolding trends covered inthe text are:

  • Newest Reforms in the Financial System, including the new Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Law and the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure (CARD) Act of 2009.
  • Global Financial Sector coverage of the causes and impact of the latest “great recession.”
  • Systemic Risk and the presentation of the challenges posed in the financial system.
  • Exploration of changing views on the “too big to fail” (TBTF) doctrine and how regulators may be forced to deal with TBTF in the future.
  • Controlling Risk Exposure presentation of methods in an increasingly volatile economy

    Introduction to Banking and Financial Services

    1. An Overview of the Changing Financial-Services Sector

    2. The Impact of Government Policy and Regulation on the Financial-Services Industry

    3. The Organization and Structure of Banking and the Financial-Services Industry

    4. Establishing New Banks, Branches, ATMs, Telephone Services, and Web Sites


    Financial Statements and Financial-Firm Performance

    5. The Financial Statements of Banks and Their principal Competitors

    6. Measuring and Evaluating the Performance of Banks and Their Principal Competition


    Tools for Managing and Hedging Against Risk

    7. Risk Management for Changing Interest Rates: Asset-Liability Management and Duration Techniques

    8. Risk Management: Financial Futures, Options, Swaps, and Other Hedging Tools

    9. Risk Management: Asset-Backed Securities, Loan Sales, Credit Stanbys, and Credit Derivatives


    Managing Investment Portfolios and Liquidity Positions for Financial Firms

    10. The Investment Function in Financial Services Management

    11. Liquidity and Reserves Management: Strategies and Policies


    Managing Sources of Funds for a Financial Firm

    12. Managing and Pricing Deposit Services

    13. Managing Nondeposit Liabilities

    14. Investment Banking, Insurance, and Other Sources of Fee Income

    15. The Management of Capital


    Providing Loans to Businesses and Consumers

    16. Lending Policies and Procedures: Managing Credit Risk

    17. Lending to Business Firms and Pricing Business Loans

    18. Consumer Loans, Credit Cards, and Real Estate Lending


    Managing the Future in a Global Marketplace

    19. Acquisitions and Mergers in Financial-Services Management

    20. International Banking and the Future of Banking and Financial Services

    About the Author

    Peter Rose

    Sylvia Hudgins

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