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ISBN10: 1260836983 | ISBN13: 9781260836981
* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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Praised for its clear writing style and logical organization, Basic Biomechanics provides a sound introduction to human biomechanics for students in kinesiology and allied health fields. The mechanical aspects of human movement and applied anatomy are explained with examples of relevant sport, clinical, and daily living applications. In each successive edition, many of these examples are taken from hot topics in the current biomechanics research literature. The quantitative aspects of biomechanics are presented in a manageable, progressive fashion. In the first chapter, students are given a structured template along with practical advice for approaching and solving both qualitative and quantitative problems. The quantitative and qualitative concepts are reinforced with sets of introductory problems and more advanced problems, along with laboratory exercises. The 9th edition features updated illustrations and coverage of numerous new topics.
2 Kinematic Concepts for Analyzing Human Motion
3 Kinetic Concepts for Analyzing Human Motion
4 The Biomechanics of Human Bone Growth and Development
5 The Biomechanics of Human Skeletal Articulations
6 The Biomechanics of Human Skeletal Muscle
7 The Biomechanics of the Human Upper Extremity
8 The Biomechanics of the Human Lower Extremity
9 The Biomechanics of the Human Spine
10 Linear Kinematics of Human Movement
11 Angular Kinematics of Human Movement
12 Linear Kinetics of Human Movement
13 Equilibrium and Human Movement
14 Angular Kinetics of Human Movement
15 Human Movement in a Fluid Medium
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