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ISBN10: 1264695489 | ISBN13: 9781264695485
* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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Biology is a traditional, comprehensive introductory biology textbook with coverage from cell structure and function to the conservation of biodiversity and is appropriate for a one- or two-semester biology course. Biology focuses on three themes: systems, evolution, and the nature of science. These themes are integrated into all aspects of the textbook, from the unit learning outcomes to the theme-based feature readings in the text. Recognizing that instructors are increasingly being asked to engage their students while still providing them with a firm foundation in core biological principles, the authors of Biology integrated relevant content throughout the text to better allow students to make connections and think more scientifically.
1 Scientific Method
2 Metric Measurement and Microscopy
3 Chemical Composition of Cells
4 Cell Structure and Function
5 How Enzymes Function
6 Photosynthesis
7 Cellular Respiration
UNIT II Genetics
8 Mitosis: Cellular Reproduction
9 Meiosis: Sexual Reproduction
10 Patterns of Inheritance
11 Human Genetics
12 DNA Biology and Technology
UNIT III Evolution
13 Evidence of Evolution
14 Natural Selection
UNIT IV Microbiology and Evolution
15 Bacteria and Protists
16 Fungi
UNIT V Plant Evolution and Biology
17 Nonvascular Plants and Seedless Vascular Plants
18 Seed Plants
19 Organization of Flowering Plants
20 Water Absorption and Transport in Plants
21 Control of Plant Growth and Responses
22 Reproduction in Flowering Plants
UNIT VI Animal Evolution and Diversity
23 Introduction to Invertebrates
24 Invertebrate Coelomates
25 The Vertebrates
UNIT VII Comparative Animal Biology
26 Animal Organization
27 Basic Mammalian Anatomy I
28 Chemical Aspects of Digestion
29 Basic Mammalian Anatomy II
30 Homeostasis
31 The Nervous System and Senses
32 Musculoskeletal System
33 Development
34 Sampling Ecosystems
35 Effects of Pollution on Ecosystems
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