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ISBN10: 1260104583 | ISBN13: 9781260104585
* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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Common Ground, the lower-level integrated reading and writing (IRW) companion text to the best-selling textbook Common Places, guides students through the reading and writing process at the sentence and paragraph level. Providing an easy-to-follow blueprint for students by modeling skills and behavior without being wordy, Common Ground helps students break down each reading and writing skill with step-by-step guidance and clear visuals.
Chapter 2 Reading, Writing, and Vocabulary
Chapter 3 Working with Sentences
Chapter 4 Pre-Reading and Prewriting
Chapter 5 Main Ideas in Paragraphs
Chapter 6 Support in Paragraphs
Chapter 7 Text Purposes and Patterns
Chapter 8 Outlines, Graphic Organizers, and Summaries
Chapter 9 Revising, Editing, and Doing Your Best Work
Part 2 Reading and Writing—Beyond Basics
Chapter 10 Main Ideas and Support in Essays
Chapter 11 Critical Thinking about Opinions, Tone, and Inferences
Chapter 12 Reading and Writing Arguments
Part 3 Integrated Reading and Writing Projects
Chapter 13 Project 1: Why We Like Fantasy
Chapter 14 Project 2: Tips for Financial Success
Chapter 15 Project 3: The Power of Words
Part 4 Grammar and Mechanics Handbook
Unit 1 Parts of Speech
Unit 2 Writing Good Sentences
Unit 3 Working with Verbs
Unit 4 Using Pronouns Correctly
Unit 5 Working with Adjectives and Adverbs
Unit 6 Using Punctuation Correctly
Unit 7 Using Mechanics Correctly
Part 5 Anthology of Readings
Theme Who Are You?
Theme Making Positive Changes
Theme Alike in Our Differences
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