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ISBN10: 126508856X | ISBN13: 9781265088569
* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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Connect Core Concepts in Health BRIEF is structured around a unique psychological approach to mind-body health, encouraging students to take proactive control of their health through self-assessment and behavior change. Students can stay current on the latest studies while learning how to negotiate cross-cultural ideas of what it means to be healthy and how to live in our diverse, consumer-oriented society. The text's authoritative, science-based content is also integrated with McGraw Hill's digital resources and tools to support all students and diverse learning styles.
Part One – Establishing a Basis for Wellness
1: Taking Charge of Your Health
2: Stress: The Constant Challenge
3: Psychological Health
4: Sleep
Part Two – Understanding Sexuality
5: Intimate Relationships and Communication
6: Sexuality, Pregnancy, and Children
7: Contraception and Abortion
Part Three – Substance Use Disorders: Making Responsible Decisions
8: Drug Use and Addiction
9: Alcohol and Nicotine
Part Four – Getting Fit
10: Nutrition Basics
11: Exercise for Health and Fitness
12: Weight Management
Part Five – Protecting Yourself from Disease
13: Cardiovascular Health and Cancer
14: Immunity and Infection
Part Six – Living Well in the World
15: Environmental Health
16: Conventional and Complementary Medicine
17: Personal Safety
Part Seven – Accepting Physical Limits
18: The Challenge of Aging
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