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ISBN10: 1266598448 | ISBN13: 9781266598449
* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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New products in principles of economics have been eager to address innovative ways of using technology to teach this introductory course. While these products are often accompanied by impressive digital resources, they all share one characteristic: they are still grounded in the traditional textbook format. Connect Master Principles of Economics isn’t just another textbook alternative, it’s a game changer.
As the first digital-first approach for the principles of economics course, Connect Master Principles of Economics offers the same core content covered in mainstream textbooks, but in a way that breaks free from the constraints of a traditional textbooks structure and format. This empowers instructors to take advantage of new approaches in teaching methodology to revitalize their courses. Students are more engaged and empowered to connect concepts to application.
Connect Master Principles of Economics launched in 2015 with over 210 distinct concepts and added 36 new topics in 2018. Based on extensive market feedback from instructors and student users, Connect Master Principles of Economics now covers over 270 topics! Each topic is anchored by an engaging 2 to 4-minute high-quality video (in both English and Spanish) and accompanied by a suite of learning resources such as dynamic applications, worked examples, and assessment tools.
With a concept-level approach, instructors are able to handpick every aspect of the curriculum, from concepts covered to sequencing, providing flexibility for instructors to tailor their courses in such a way that is appropriate for any school, at any level, across all course formats, and set to any depth. Instead of a class that revolves around static pages and chapters of a textbook, Carlos Asarta and Roger Butters envision a learning environment that revolves around the talents and abilities of the teacher in the classroom. The result is an experience that is motivating, accessible, and adaptable to how today’s students learn and obtain information.
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