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ISBN10: 1259702685 | ISBN13: 9781259702686

* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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Connect Get Active! is an online system allowing you to assign brief readings, video demonstrations and assessments outside of class, enabling you to more efficiently manage and teach your sport and activity classes. Connect Get Active! offers consistent content across chapters, covering history, equipment, rules, strategies, skills, and technique. The eBook includes hundreds of photos and videos to enhance the presentation. Each chapter is also accompanied by auto-graded quizzes, assignments and reference material covering basic fitness concepts; and activity-specific content. Using this innovative learning system, your students will spend more class time being physically active and you will spend less time ensuring the quality and consistency of instruction is the same across all classes.
1 Introduction to Wellness, Fitness, and Behavior Change
2 Basics of Physical Activity, Fitness, and Exercise
3 Fitness Testing
4 Nutrition Basics: Energy and Nutrients
5 Eating for Wellness and Weight Management
6 Stress and Its Sources
7 Chronic Diseases
8 Substance Use, Dependence, and Addiction
SECTION 2 Sports and Activities
9 Basketball
10 Soccer
11 Softball
12 Golf
13 Volleyball
14 Tennis
15 Fitness Walking
16 Jogging
17 Racquetball
18 Badminton
19 Pickleball
20 Bowling
21 Flag Football
22 Ultimate
23 Swimming
24 Indoor Cycling
25 Social Dance
26 Archery
27 Hiking and Backpacking
28 Cardio Dance and Other Group Exercise
29 Yoga
30 Pilates
31 Indoor Rock Climbing
32 Weight Training
33 Round Net
34 Triathlon
SECTION 3 Flexibility and Conditioning Toolbox
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