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ISBN10: 126636904X | ISBN13: 9781266369049
* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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With Connect Master: Introductory Psychology, students of varying preparedness quickly develop the skills to apply and practice what they learn about. A first-of-its-kind, digital course solution, Connect Master: Introductory Psychology empowers students to succeed by strengthening active learning strategies and skills development and helping solve key course challenges.
•Connect Master empowers students to succeed
•Connect Master solves key course challenges
•Connect Master strengthens active learning strategies and skills development
•Connect Master evolves with the state-of-the-discipline
Module: The Field of Psychology
Module: The History of Psychology
Module: Research in Psychology
Ch02: Neuroscience
Module: Communication Across the Body
Module: The Brain
Ch03: Sensation and Perception
Module: Sensing the World
Module: The Senses
Module: Perceiving the World
Ch04: Consciousness
Module: States of Consciousness
Module: Sleep and Dreams
Module: Drugs and Drug Use
Ch05: Learning
Module: Classical Conditioning
Module: Operant Conditioning
Module: Cognitive Learning Theory
Ch 06: Memory, Thinking, and Language
Module: Memory
Module: Thinking
Module: Language
Ch07: Motivation and Emotion
Module: Explaining Motivation
Module: Human Needs and Motivation
Module: Emotion
Ch08: Human Development
Module: Nature, Nurture and Prenatal Development
Module: Infancy and Childhood Development
Module: Adolescent Development
Module: Development in Adulthood
Ch09: Personality and Intelligence
Module: Personality
Module: Intelligence
Ch10: Social Psychology
Module: Attitudes and Social Cognition
Module: Social Influence and Groups
Module: Prejudice and Discrimination
Module: Positive and Negative Social Behavior
Module: Stress and Coping
Chapter 11: Psychological Disorders
Module: Abnormality
Module: Psychological Disorders
Ch12: Treatment of Psychological Disorders
Module: Psychological Approaches to the Treatment of Disorders
Module: Biomedical Approaches to the Treatment of Disorders
Appendix: Relevancy Modules
Appendix: Skills for Introductory Psychology
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