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ISBN10: 1260243052 | ISBN13: 9781260243055
* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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Contemporary Labor Economics 12e presents labor economics as an applied field of micro and macro theory. The authors deliver new and updated discussions of economic trends, public policy issues, content coverage and World of Work examples to help students apply labor economics, while still integrating traditional topics. A consistent framework, as well as a clear, direct and uncluttered writing style, help students grasp concepts regardless of their background training in economics.
Connect Economics (McGraw-Hill's online assignment and assessment tool) pairs with McConnell to provide assignable, auto-gradable versions of the reading and test bank content. Students receive detailed step-by-step feed back on assignments and assignable content is fully integrated with the eBook. Students are also able to search, highlight, and take notes within the ReadAnywhere eBook and complete SmartBook 2.0 assignments offline. Connect provides instructors with powerful reporting tools allowing them to plan, track, and analyze student performance across learning outcomes.
Chapter 1: Labor Economics: Introduction and Overview
Chapter 2: The Theory of Individual Labor Supply
Chapter 3: Population, Participation Rates, and Hours ofWork
Chapter 4: Labor Quality: Investing in Human Capital
Chapter 5: The Demand for Labor
Chapter 6: Wage Determination and the Allocation of Labor
Chapter 7: Alternative Pay Schemes and Labor Efficiency
Chapter 8: The Wage Structure
Chapter 9: Mobility, Migration, and Efficiency
Chapter 10: Labor Unions and Collective Bargaining
Chapter 11: The Economic Impact of Unions
Chapter 12: Government and the Labor Market: Employment,Expenditures, and Taxation
Chapter 13: Government and the Labor Market: Legislation andRegulation
Chapter 14: Labor Market Discrimination
Chapter 15: Job Search: External and Internal
Chapter 16: The Distribution of Personal Earnings
Chapter 17: Labor Productivity: Wages, Prices, andEmployment
Chapter 18: Employment and Unemployment
Appendix: Information Sources in Labor Economics
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