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Criminal Investigation

ISBN10: 1260836800 | ISBN13: 9781260836806

Criminal Investigation
ISBN10: 1260836800
ISBN13: 9781260836806
By Charles Swanson, Robert W Taylor, Leonard Territo and Bryanna Fox

* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.

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Criminal Investigation presents criminal investigation as a science rather than an art. It is widely recognized as the most accurate and comprehensive text in the field. This practical step-by-step introduction to criminal investigation gives students a logical framework for understanding the investigative process. Major sections cover issues such as environmental crime, arrest and search warrants, videotaping of crime scenes, the changing nature of the terrorist threat and drugs.

CHAPTER 1: The Evolution of Criminal Investigation and Forensic Science
CHAPTER 2: Legal Aspects of Investigation
CHAPTER 3: Investigators, the Investigative Process, and the Crime Scene
CHAPTER 4: Physical Evidence
CHAPTER 5: Interviewing and Interrogation
CHAPTER 6: Field Notes and Reporting
CHAPTER 7: The Follow-Up Investigation and Investigative Resources
CHAPTER 8: The Crime Laboratory
CHAPTER 9: Injury and Death Investigations
CHAPTER 10: Sex-Related Offenses
CHAPTER 11: Crimes Against Children
CHAPTER 12: Human Trafficking
CHAPTER 13: Robbery
CHAPTER 14: Burglary
CHAPTER 15: Larceny/Theft and White-Collar Crime
CHAPTER 16: Vehicle Thefts and Related Offenses
CHAPTER 17: Cybercrime
CHAPTER 18: Agricultural, Wildlife, and Environmental Crimes
CHAPTER 19: Arson and Explosives Investigations
CHAPTER 20: Recognition, Control, and Investigation of Drug Abuse
CHAPTER 21: Understanding and Investigating Terrorism
CHAPTER 22: The Trial Process and the Investigator as a Witness

About the Author

Charles Swanson

Charles Mike R. Swanson holds a B.A. and M.A. in criminology from Florida State University and a Ph.D. in public administration from the University of Georgia, where he is a faculty member in the Carl Vinson Institute of Government. His primary responsibilities include providing applied research, technical assistance, and training to Georgia units of state and local government. A former patrol officer and detective with the Tampa Police Department, he also served as senior police planner and acting deputy director of the Florida Governor's Law Enforcement Council. Dr. Swanson has coauthored five books and is the author or coauthor of numerous monographs, articles, and conference papers.

Robert W Taylor

Robert W. Taylor holds a Ph.D. in urban studies from Portland State University. He is professor and director, Justice Administration and Leadership Program, Department of Criminology at the University of Texas–Dallas. He was founding director of the Caruth Police Institute. He served as a sworn police officer and major crimes detective in Portland, OR, and as consultant to various U.S. and international criminal justice agencies. He has authored or coauthored more than 150 articles, books, and manuscripts on police administration, contemporary police problems, international and domestic terrorism, human and drug trafficking, computer fraud, and criminal justice policy. Dr. Taylor received the University of North Texas Regent’s Lecture Award (2003) for his work in the Middle East, and the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences presented Dr. Taylor with the O.W. Wilson Award (2008) for his contribution to police education, research, and practice.

Leonard Territo

Leonard Territo is professor of criminology at the University of South Florida. Previously, he was chief deputy of the Leon County, Florida, Sheriff's Office, and served for nine years in the patrol, traffic, detective, and personnel and training divisions of the Tampa Police Department. He is former chairperson of the Department of Police Administration at St. Petersburg Junior College, where he also directed specialized continuing education programs for police officers through the Florida Institute for Law Enforcement. He has authored or coauthored numerous articles and technical reports, as well as eight books, including Police Administration: Structures, Process, and Behavior, and Crime and Justice in America.

Bryanna Fox

Bryanna Fox is an associate professor in the Department of Criminology at the University of South Florida in Tampa, and Co-Director of the USF Center for Justice Research & Policy. She received her PhD from the University of Cambridge and was a former FBI Special Agent on the organized crime squad in the Las Vegas field office. She was a visiting scholar in the FBI’s Behavioral Science Unit.
Her research focuses on evidence-based policing, crime prevention, and the developmental and psychological risk factors for offending. Bryanna has published over 50 studies on these topics in outlets including Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Psychological Bulletin, Law & Society Review, Social Forces, and the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. She is the co-editor of Justice Quarterly and has received nearly $4 million in grant funding to examine cutting-edge practices in crime prevention and evidence-based policing. Her research has been featured by the local and national media, and she has served as an expert for outlets including A&E, ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX, NBC, NPR, Rolling Stone, The New York Times, USA Today, Washington Post, and more.

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