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ISBN10: 1264829760 | ISBN13: 9781264829767

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* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
Criminology provides a comprehensive, thorough, and global approach to the study of criminology. The authors address the vital and urgent problems of crime through a combination of comprehensible theory, the latest statistics, and contemporary examples. There is expanded coverage in every chapter of the most critical issues facing the field today, and how advances in sister disciplines (including the neurosciences) inform ground-breaking research. Criminology's popular feature boxes continue to be updated and enhanced, highlighting significant criminological issues that deserve special attention. The text addresses the wide-ranging criminal justice impacts of the killing of George Floyd, Jr., from crime causation theory to the differential treatment of people of color throughout the criminal process.
Part 1 Understanding Criminology
1 The Changing Boundaries of Criminology
2 Defining Crimes and Measuring Criminal Behavior
3 Schools of Thought Throughout History
Part 2 Explanations of Crime and Criminal Behavior
4 Biological and Psychological Perspectives
5 Strain and Cultural Deviance Theories
6 The Formation of Subcultures
7 Social Control Theory
8 Labeling, Conflict, and Radical Theories
9 Theories of Crime, Place, and Victimization
Part 3 Types of Crimes
10 Violent Crimes
11 Crimes against Property
12 White-Collar and Corporate
13 Public Order Crimes
14 International and Comparative Criminology
Part 4 Criminological Approach to the Criminal Justice System
15 Processes and Decisions
16 Enforcing the Law: Practice and Research
17 The Nature and Functioning of Courts
18 A Research Focus on Corrections
About the Author
Freda Adler
Dr. Freda Adler is a Distinguished Professor of Criminal Justice. She is the Director of the Master of Science Program in Criminology and a Visiting Professor in the Department of Criminology at the University of Pennsylvania. She received her BA in sociology, her MA in criminology, and her Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Adler began her career in criminal justice as an evaluator of drug and alcohol treatment programs for federal and state governments. Since 1968, she has taught subjects such as criminal justice, criminology, comparative criminal justice systems, statistics, and research methods. She has served as criminal justice advisor to the United Nations, as well as to federal, state, and foreign governments. Dr. Adler's published works include 13 books as author or coauthor, 9 books as editor or coeditor, and over 90 journal articles. She has served on the editorial boards of the Journal of Criminal Justice, Criminology, and the Journal of Research on Crime and Delinquency. Dr. Adler serves as editorial consultant to the Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology and is coeditor of Advances in Criminological Theory. She also has served as president as the American Society of Criminology (1994-1995).
William Laufer
William Laufer is the Julian Aresty Professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, where he is Professor of Legal Studies and Business Ethics, Sociology, and Criminology. Dr. Laufer, graduate chair of the Department of Criminology at Penn, received his B.A. in social and behavioral sciences at Johns Hopkins University, his J.D. at Northeastern University School of Law, and his Ph.D. at Rutgers University, School of Criminal Justice. Dr. Laufer's research has appeared in law reviews and a wide range of criminal justice, legal, and psychology journals, including Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, American Journal of Criminal Law, Law and Human Behavior, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, and Business Ethics Quarterly. His most recent book is Corporate Bodies and Guilty Minds: The Failure of Corporate Criminal Liability (University of Chicago Press). Dr. Laufer is coeditor of the Handbook of Psychology and Law; Personality, Moral Development and Criminal Behavior; and Crime, Values and Religion. He is series coeditor with Freda Adler of Advances in Criminological Theory.
Gerhard O. Mueller
Dr. Gerhard O. W. Mueller was Distinguished Professor of Criminal Justice at Rutgers University, School of Criminal Justice. Between 1974 and 1982, he served as Chief of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Branch. As such, he was responsible for all of the United Nations’ programs dealing with problems of crime and justice worldwide. He was a faculty member of universities and colleges across the country and around the world.
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