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ISBN10: 1260360652 | ISBN13: 9781260360653
* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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Elementary Statistics: A Step by Step Approach was written as an aid in the beginning statistics course to students whose mathematical background is limited to basic algebra. The book follows a non-theoretical approach without formal proofs, explaining concepts intuitively and supporting them with abundant examples. The applications span a range of topics, including problems in business, sports, health, architecture, education, entertainment, political science, psychology, history, criminal justice, the environment, transportation, physical sciences, demographics, and travel.
The text is strengthened by its offering in ALEKS, now featuring Custom Question Authoring, Video Assignments, interactive tools, and more!
ALEKS is a course assistant that helps math instructors forge Constructive Learning Paths for their students – blending personalized modules with instructor-driven assignments to ensure every student always has another block to build on their knowledge base.
CHAPTER 2: Frequency Distributions and Graphs
CHAPTER 3: Data Description
CHAPTER 4: Probability and Counting Rules
CHAPTER 5: Discrete Probability Distributions
CHAPTER 6: The Normal Distribution
CHAPTER 7: Confidence Intervals and Sample Size
CHAPTER 8: Hypothesis Testing
CHAPTER 9: Testing the Difference Between Two Means, Two Proportions, and Two Variances
CHAPTER 10: Correlation and Regression
CHAPTER 11: Other Chi-Square Tests
CHAPTER 12: Analysis of Variance
CHAPTER 13: Nonparametric Statistics
CHAPTER 14: Sampling and Simulation
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