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ISBN10: 1264125720 | ISBN13: 9781264125722

Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology
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Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology is written clearly and concisely to help students from all backgrounds prepare for a career in the allied health professions. The textbook simplifies the complexities of anatomy and physiology in ways that enhance understanding without diluting the essentials of the subject matter.
The sequence of chapters and content within each chapter progresses from simple to complex. Chapters covering an organ system begin with anatomy to ensure students are well-prepared to understand the physiology that follows. Each system chapter concludes with a brief consideration of common disorders the student may encounter in the clinical setting.
1. Introduction to the Human Body
2. Chemicals of Life
3. Cell
4. Tissues and Membranes
Part 2 Covering, Support, and Movement of the Body
5. Integumentary System
6. Skeletal System
7. Muscular System
Part 3 Integration and Control
8. Nervous System
9. Senses
10. Endocrine System
Part 4 Maintenance of the Body
11. Blood
12. Cardiovascular System
13. Lymphoid System and Defenses Against Disease
14. Respiratory System
15. Digestive System
16. Urinary System
Part 5 Reproduction
17. Reproductive System
18. Development, Pregnancy, and Genetics
About the Author
Jason LaPres
Jason LaPres received his Master's of Health Science degree with an emphasis in Anatomy and Physiology from Grand Valley State University in Allendale, Michigan. Over the past 15 years, Jason has had the good fortune to be associated with a number of colleagues who have mentored him, helped increase his skills, and trusted him with the responsibility of teaching students who will be caring for others. Jason began his career in Michigan, where from 2001 to 2003 he taught as an adjunct at Henry Ford Community College, Schoolcraft College, and Wayne County Community College, all in the Detroit area. Additionally, at that time he taught high school chemistry and physics at Detroit Charter High School. Jason is currently Dean of Instruction and Professor of Biology at Lone Star College-CyFair in Houston, Texas. He has been with LSC since 2003. In his capacity with LSC he has served as Faculty Senate President for two of the six LSC campuses. His academic background is diverse and, although his primary teaching load is in the Human Anatomy and Physiology program, he has also taught classes in Pathophysiology and mentored several Honor Projects. Prior to authoring this textbook, Jason produced dozens of textbook supplements and online resources for many other Anatomy and Physiology textbooks.
Beth Ann Kersten
Beth Ann Kersten is a tenured professor at the State College of Florida (SCF). Though her primary teaching responsibilities are currently focused on Anatomy and Physiology I and II, she has experience teaching comparative anatomy, histology, developmental biology, and nonmajor human biology. She authors a custom A&P I laboratory manual for SCF and sponsors a book scholarship for students enrolled in health science programs. She coordinates a peer tutoring program for A&P and is working to extend SCF's STEM initiative to local elementary schools. Beth employs a learning strength specific approach to guide students in the development of study skills focused on their learning strengths, in addition to improving other student skills such as time management and note taking. Beth graduated with a PhD from Temple University where her research focused on neurodevelopment in zebrafish. Her postdoctoral research at the Wadsworth Research Center focused on the response of rat nerve tissue to the implantation of neural prosthetic devices. At Saint Vincent College, she supervised senior research projects on subjects such as the effects of retinoic acid on heart development in zebrafish and the ability of vitamin Bl2 supplements to regulate PMS symptoms in ovariectomized mice. Beth also maintains a membership in the Human Anatomy & Physiology Society. Beth currently lives in North Port, Florida, with her husband John and daughter Melanie. As former Northerners, they greatly enjoy the ability to swim almost year round both in their pool and in the Gulf of Mexico.
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