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ISBN10: 1264931182 | ISBN13: 9781264931187
* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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Essentials of Athletic Injury Management provides the information students need to manage the care of athletic injuries, from prevention and identification and assessment of injuries to interaction with players, parents, and physicians. Designed for those beginning careers in coaching, physical education, and the fitness profession, this text prepares learners to manage injury and emergency situations when an athletic trainer or physician is not available. Each chapter focuses on promoting an understanding of the prevention and care of particular types of athletic injuries, progressing from general to specific concepts. Action plans, checklists, and applications of universal precautions in athletic environments are included to provide the practical tools needed to get started in the field. The twelfth edition of Essentials of Athletic Injury Management provides the reader with the most current information on the subject of prevention and basic care of sports injuries.
1 Fitness Professionals, Coaches, and the Sports Medicine Team: Defining Roles
2 Organizing and Administering an Athletic Health Care Program
3 Legal Liability and Insurance
PART II Preventing Injuries in an Athletic Health Care System
4 Preventing Injuries Through Fitness Training
5 Sports Nutrition and Supplements
6 Selecting and Using Protective Sports Equipment
7 Understanding the Potential Dangers of Adverse Environmental Conditions
PART III Techniques for Treating and Managing Sport-Related Injuries
8 Handling Emergency Situations and Injury Assessment
9 Preventing the Spread of Infectious Diseases, Bloodborne Pathogens, and Wound Care
10 Wrapping and Taping Techniques
11 Understanding the Basics of Injury Rehabilitation
12 Helping the Injured Athlete Psychologically
PART IV Recognition and Management of Specific Injuries and Conditions
13 Recognizing Different Sports Injuries
14 The Foot and Toes
15 The Ankle and Lower Leg
16 The Knee and Related Structures
17 The Thigh, Hip, Groin, and Pelvis
18 The Shoulder Complex
19 The Elbow, Forearm, Wrist, and Hand
20 The Spine
21 The Thorax and Abdomen
22 The Head, Face, Eyes, Ears, Nose, and Throat
23 General Medical Conditions and Additional Health Concerns
24 Substance Abuse
25 Preventing and Managing Injuries in Young Athletes
Appendix A: Employment Settings for the Athletic Trainer
Appendix B: Requirements for Certification as an Athletic Trainer
Appendix C: Directional Movements for Body Joints
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