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ISBN10: 1264643292 | ISBN13: 9781264643295

Ethical Obligations and Decision-Making in Accounting: Text and Cases
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* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
This text primarily aims to make students aware of and increase their sensitivity to different accounting fraud schemes, put them in a position of accounting professionals who faced difficult ethical conflicts, and provide them with the tools, training, and skills to determine the most ethical course of action. By connecting key themes covered throughout the text, Mintz and Miller aim to empower future CPAs to both fulfill their professional responsibilities and make ethical decisions that align with their personal and professional values. The curriculum is flexible. Many of the case studies are intentionally brief to provide broader coverage of important topics while easily allowing additional materials to be incorporated when a more in-depth study is desired.
2. Cognitive Processes and Ethical Decision Making in Accounting
3. Organizational Ethics and Corporate Governance
4. AICPA Code of Professional Conduct
5. Fraud in Financial Statements and Auditor Responsibilities
6. Motivation for Fraudulent Financial Reporting
7. Consequences of Earnings Management: The Need for Ethical Leadership in Accounting
8. Auditors’ Legal Liabilities and Defenses
About the Author
Steven Mintz
Steven M. Mintz, DBA, CPA, is a professor of accounting in the Orfalea College of Business at the California Polytechnic State University–San Luis Obsipo. Dr. Mintz received his DBA from George Washington University. His first book, titled Cases in Accounting Ethics and Professionalism, was also published by McGraw-Hill. Dr. Mintz has recently been acknowledged by accounting researchers as one of the top publishers in accounting ethics and in accounting education. He was selected for the 2014 Max Block Distinguished Article Award in the "Technical Analysis" category by The CPA Journal. Dr. Mintz received the 2015 Accounting Exemplar Award of the Public Interest Section of the American Accounting Association. He also has received the Faculty Excellence Award of the California Society of CPAs. Dr. Mintz writes two popular ethics blogs under the names “Ethics Sage” and “Workplace Ethics Advice.”
William Miller
William F. Miller, EdD, CPA, CGMA, is a professor of accounting in the Accounting and Finance Department at the College of Business, University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire. Dr. Miller received his EdD from the University of Saint Thomas, Saint Paul, Minnesota. He also has over 23 years of professional accounting experience and maintains an active consulting practice. He has authored or co-authored over 20 publications, including a book on Giving Voice to Values in Accounting, and has won the Institute of Management Accountants Carl Menconi Ethics Case writing competition three times (2011, 2012, and 2015), and won the American Accounting Association’s Public Interest Section best contribution to teaching award in 2015.
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