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ISBN10: 1260899810 | ISBN13: 9781260899818
Experience Spanish
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* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
Experience Spanish: Un mundo sin límites, presents vocabulary and grammar in action through culture. With an emphasis on the 5Cs, the Experience Spanish program reflects the following focus:
■ Culture is core: Culture is seamlessly integrated throughout. Students are consistently exposed to cultural topics in both culture-focused and language-focused presentations.
■ Language in action: Vocabulary is presented visually through colorful illustrations, and put into action with personal communicative activities. Grammar is introduced through contextualized short dialogues or cultural readings that illustrate the concepts in action, allowing students to experience the structures in context before focusing on the forms and rules.
■ Experience Spanish everywhere: Connect® Spanish is mobile and enabled for tablets, allowing students to engage in their course material via the devices they use every day.
Capítulo 2 ¿Qué haces en tu tiempo libre?
Capítulo 3 La vida diaria
Capítulo 4 ¿Cómo es tu familia?
Capítulo 5 ¡Hogar, dulce hogar!
Capítulo 6 ¡A comer!
Capítulo 7 ¡Vamos de compras!
Capítulo 8 En la comunidad
Capítulo 9 Recuerdos del pasado
Capítulo 10 ¡Salgamos a explorar!
Capítulo 11 La música, el arte y las celebraciones
Capítulo 12 El bienestar
Capítulo 13 Nuestro futuro
Capítulo 14 Nosotros y el mundo natural
Capítulo 15 La vida moderna
About the Author
María Amores
María Amores received her PhD in Applied Linguistics from Pennsylvania State University. She is currently an Associate Professor of Spanish at West Virginia University, where she has been since 1995, and where she is the Supervisor of the Spanish Graduate Teaching Assistants and Coordinator of the Basic Spanish Program.
Anne Wendel
José Luis Suárez-García
José Luis Suárez-García received his PhD from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is currently a Professor of Spanish and Graduate Coordinator at the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures at Colorado State University in Fort Collins. He regularly teaches Spanish Golden Age and other courses Peninsular Literature and Culture, has taught Spanish language at all levels, and has published several articles and editions of Spanish Golden Age texts, medieval bibliography, poetic and dramatic theory, and contemporary theatre. He published two manuals as a co-author with McGraw-Hill for the second edition of Nuevos destinos and was a contributing writer for the fourth edition of Pasajes.
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