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ISBN10: 1260786528 | ISBN13: 9781260786521

Financial Accounting
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Don’t you love those moments in your course when students are fully engaged? When the “Aha!” revelations are bursting like fireworks? The authors have developed a unique set of materials based directly on their collective years in the classroom. They’ve brought together best practices by (1) building an Organized Learning Framework for Financial Accounting, (2) reinforcing the Framework in each chapter’s text and end-of-chapter assignments, and (3) enriching that Framework using real-world companies, Excel assignments, General Ledger problems, data analytics tools, and a variety of auto-graded cases. The material is communicated in a student-friendly, concise and conversational writing style. After the proven success of the first five editions of Financial Accounting, we are confident that the sixth edition will not only motivate, engage, and challenge students—it will illuminate the financial accounting course like never before.
Chapter 2: The Accounting Cycle: During the Period
Chapter 3: The Accounting Cycle: End of the Period
Chapter 4: Cash and Internal Controls
Chapter 5: Receivables and Sales
Chapter 6: Inventory and Cost of Goods Sold
Chapter 7: Long-Term Assets
Chapter 8: Current Liabilities
Chapter 9: Long-Term Liabilities
Chapter 10: Stockholders’ Equity
Chapter 11: Statement of Cash Flows
Chapter 12: Financial Statement Analysis
Appendix A: American Eagle Outfitters, Inc., 2020 Annual Report
Appendix B: The Buckle, Inc., 2020 Annual Report
Appendix C: Time Value of Money
Appendix D: Investments
Online Appendix E: International Financial Reporting Standards
About the Author
David Spiceland
Wayne Thomas
Don Herrmann
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