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ISBN10: 0073529567 | ISBN13: 9780073529561
* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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Fundamentals of Semiconductor Devices provides a realistic and practical treatment of modern semiconductor devices. A solid understanding of the physical processes responsible for the electronic properties of semiconductor materials and devices is emphasized. With this emphasis, the reader will appreciate the underlying physics behind the equations derived and their range of applicability. The author’s clear writing style, comprehensive coverage of the core material, and attention to current topics are key strengths of this book.
Part 1 - Materials
1) Electron Energy and States in Semiconductors
2) Homogeneous Semiconductors
3) Current Flow in Homogeneous Semiconductors
4) Nonhomogeneous Semiconductors
Supplement to Part 1
Supplement 1A
Supplement 1B
Part 2 - Diodes
5) Prototype pn Homojunctions
6) Additional Considerations for Diodes
Supplement to Part 2
Part 3 - Field-Effect Transistors
8) Additional Considerations for FETs
Supplement to Part 3
Part 4 - Bipolar Junction Transistors
9) Bipolar Junction Devices: Statics
10) Time-Dependent Analysis of BJTs
Supplement to Part 4
Part 5 - Optoelectronic Devices
11) Optoelectronic Devices
Appendix A - Constants
Appendix B - List of Symbols
Appendix C - Fabrication
Appendix D - Density-of-States Function, Density-of-States Effective Mass, Conductivity Effective Mass
Appendix E - Some Useful Integrals
Appendix F - Useful Equations
Appendix G - List of Suggested Readings
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