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ISBN10: 1260152383 | ISBN13: 9781260152388
Human Anatomy Laboratory Manual, 3rd Edition
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About the Author
Christine Eckel
Christine Eckel received her B.A. in Integrative Biology and M.A. in Human Biodynamics from the University of California, Berkeley, and her Ph.D. in Neurobiology and Anatomy at the University of Utah School of Medicine. She has taught a two-semester anatomy and physiology course for pre-nursing and pre health-science majors, and an advanced dissection course for premedical students at Carroll College; stand-alone general biology, human anatomy, and human physiology courses at the University of California at Berkeley and Salt Lake Community College (SLCC); human gross anatomy and medical histology for medical students, and anatomy review courses for residents in orthopedic surgery and pathology both at the University of Utah School of Medicine (U of USOM) and the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine (WVSOM). She has also advised pre-med, pre-PA, pre nursing, and pre-PT students. Christine also headed the Body Donor Program at WVSOM. Christine is the author of Human Anatomy Laboratory Manual, 3e (McGraw-Hill Education). She has also authored several supplements and individual chapters for textbooks in human anatomy and human physiology.
Christine is currently serving on the Board of Directors as Secretary for the Human Anatomy and Physiology Society(HAPS). Her previous service to HAPS includes two terms serving as Western Regional Director, and many years serving as Chair and member of the Cadaver Use Committee. Christine has also served on other committees for both HAPS and the American Association of Anatomists (AAA). She is an ad hoc reviewer for the journals Anatomical Sciences Education and Medical Education. Her research is in the field of teaching innovation and educational outcomes research. With over 25 years of experience engaging with community college students, medical students and medical residents in orthopedic surgery, pathology, and gynecologic surgery, Christine has a unique appreciation for the learning challenges experienced by students at all levels. Christine’s passions for human anatomy, classroom and laboratory teaching, biological dissection, and photography are evident throughout the pages of this laboratory manual. In her spare time, Christine loves to take her English Setter, Zelda, hiking, mountain biking, cross-country skiing, and exploring the great outdoors—always with her camera in hand.
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