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ISBN10: 1260837459 | ISBN13: 9781260837452
Intercultural Communication in Contexts
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Intercultural Communication in Contexts examines communication in multicultural relationships and provides the tools for effective communication amid cultural, ethnic, and religious differences in domestic and global contexts. Students are introduced to the primary approaches for studying intercultural communication along with a theoretical and practical framework for applying the approaches in their own lives.
Chapter 1: Why Study Intercultural Communication?
Chapter 2: The Study of Intercultural Communication
Chapter 3: Culture, Communication, Context, and Power
Chapter 4: History and Intercultural Communication
Part II: Intercultural Communication Processes
Chapter 5: Identity and Intercultural Communication
Chapter 6: Language and Intercultural Communication
Chapter 7: Nonverbal Codes and Cultural Space
Part III: Intercultural Communication Applications
Chapter 8: Understanding Intercultural Transitions
Chapter 9: Popular Culture and Intercultural Communication
Chapter 10: Culture, Communication, and Intercultural Relationships
Chapter 11: Culture, Communication, and Conflict
Chapter 12: Striving for Engaged and Effective Intercultural Communication
About the Author
Judith Martin
Judith N. Martin is currently Herberger Professor of Communication in the Hugh Downs School of Human Communication at Arizona State University. She received her Ph.D. in speech communication from the Pennsylvania State University. She also studied at the Université de Grenoble for a year, and was involved in study aboard administration for a number of years. She also has experience in cross cultural training and has co-authored three books with Prof. Tom Nakayama. Her current research interests focus on: the role of communication in cross cultural transitions, white identity and and communication, and pedagogical issues in teaching intercultural communication.
Thomas Nakayama
Thomas K. Nakayama is Professor and Director of the Department of Communications Studies, Northeastern University. He received his Ph.D. in communication studies from the University of Iowa. He has been a Fulbright lecturer at the Université de Mons-Hainaut in Belgium and Libra Professor at the University of Maine. He has taught at Arizona State University, California State University, San Bernardino and the University of Iowa. His interests are in critical theory, cultural studies, and rhetorical studies.
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