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ISBN10: 1259875768 | ISBN13: 9781259875762
* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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Introduction to Programming with Java: A Problem Solving Approach teaches the reader how to write programs using Java. It does so with a unique approach that combines fundamentals first with objects early. The book transitions smoothly through a carefully selected set of procedural programming fundamentals to object-oriented fundamentals. During this early transition and beyond, the book emphasizes problem solving. For example, Chapter 2 is devoted to algorithm development, Chapter 8 is devoted to program design, and problem-solving sections appear throughout the book. The third edition introduces several new Java language features, most of the end-of-chapter GUI sections and the final GUI chapters use JavaFX, and almost all end-of-chapter exercises are new.
Chapter 1. Introduction to Computers and Programming
Chapter 2. Algorithms and Design
Chapter 3. Java Basics
Chapter 4. Control Statements
Chapter 5. Using PreBuilt Methods
Chapter 6. Object-Oriented Programming
Chapter 7. Object-Oriented Programming-Additional Details
Chapter 8. Software Engineering
Chapter 9. Arrays
Chapter 10. Arrays Lists and an INtroduction to the Java Collections Framework
Chapter 11. Recursion
Chapter 12. Type Details and Alternative Coding Mechanisms
Chapter 13. Aggregation, Composition, and Inheritance
Chapter 14. Inheritance and Polymorphism
Chapter 15. Exception Handling
Chapter 16. Files, Buffers, Channels, and Paths
Chapter 17. GUI Programming Basics
Chapter 18. GUI Programming-Layout Panes, Additional GUI Components
Chapter 19. GUI Programming-Additional GUI Components, Additional Listeners, Animation
Appendix 1. ASCII Character Set
Appendix 2. Operator Precedence
Appendix 3. Java Reserved Words
Appendix 4. Packages and Modules
Appendix 5. Java Coding-Style Conventions
Appendix 6. Javadoc with Tags
Appendix 7. UML Diagrams
Appendix 8. Number Systems and Conversions Between Them
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