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Loose Leaf for Six Ideas That Shaped Physics - All Units

ISBN10: 1264866607 | ISBN13: 9781264866601

Loose Leaf for Six Ideas That Shaped Physics - All Units
ISBN10: 1264866607
ISBN13: 9781264866601
By Thomas Moore

* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.

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Six Ideas that Shaped Physics is comprised of six units, providing a unique approach to a two- or three-semester calculus-based introductory physics course. The text is designed to teach students to apply basic physical principles to realistic situations, and to resolve contradictions between their preconceived notions and the laws of physics. Through integrated practice, students learn to solve realistic problems, and organize the ideas of physics into an integrated hierarchy.

This title is available in Connect with SmartBook, including comprehensive End-of-Chapter homework, an eBook, and Online Labs for Physics.

The six units are:
Unit C: Conservation Laws Constrain Interactions
Unit Q: Particles Behave Like Waves (Quantum physics)
Unit N: The Laws of Physics are Universal (Newtonian mechanics)
Unit R: Laws of Physics are Frame Independent (Relativity)
Unit T: Some Processes are Irreversible (Thermal physics)
Unit E: Electric and Magnetic Fields Are Unified

Unit C
C1 The Art of Model Building
C2 Particles and Interactions
C3 Vectors
C4 Systems and Frames
C5 Conservation of Momentum
C6 Conservation of Angular Momentum
C7 More About Angular Momentum
C8 Conservation of Energy
C9 Potential Energy Graphs
C10 Work
C11 Rotational Energy
C12 Thermal Energy
C13 Other Forms of Internal Energy
C14 Collisions

Unit N
N1 Newton's Law
N2 Forces from Motion
N3 Motion from Forces
N4 Statics
N5 Linearly Constrained Motion
N6 Coupled Objects
N7 Circularly Constrained Motion
N8 Noninertial Frames
N9 Projectile Motion
N10 Oscillatory Motion
N11 Kepler's Laws
N12 Orbits and Conservation Laws

Unit R
R1 The Principle of Relativity
R2 Coordinate Time
R3 The Spacetime Interval
R4 Proper Time
R5 Coordinate Transformations
R6 Lorentz Contraction
R7 The Cosmic Speed Limit
R8 Four-Momentum
R9 Conservation of Four-Momentum

Unit E
E1 Electric Fields
E2 Charge Distributions
E3 Electric Potential
E4 Static Equilibrium
E5 Current
E6 Dynamic Equilibrium
E7 Analyzing Circuits
E8 Magnetic Fields
E9 Currents and Magnetic Fields
E10 Magnets and Electromagnets
E11 The Electromagnetic Field
E12 Gauss's LawE13 Ampere's Law
E14 Calculating Fields
E15 Integral Forms
E16 Dynamic Fields
E17 Maxwell Sees the Light
E18 Electromagnetic Wave Physics
E19 Faraday's Law
E20 Induction

Unit Q
Q1 Wave Models
Q2 Standing Waves and Resonance
Q3 Interference and Diffraction
Q4 The Particle Nature of Light
Q5 The Wave Nature of Particles
Q6 Spin
Q7 The Rules of Quantum Mechanics
Q8 Quantum Weirdness
Q9 The Wavefunction
Q10 Simple Quantum Models
Q11 Spectra
Q12 The Schrodinger Equation
Q13 Introduction to Nuclei
Q14 Nuclear Stability
Q15 Nuclear Technology

Unit T
T1 Temperature
T2 Macrostates and Microstates
T3 Entropy and Temperature
T4 The Boltzmann Factor
T5 The Ideal Gas
T6 Molecular Motion in Gases
T7 Photon Gases
T8 Gas Processes
T9 Calculating Entropy Changes
T10 Heat Engines
T11 The Physics of Climate Change

About the Author

Thomas Moore

Thomas A. Moore graduated from Carleton College (magna cum laude with Distinction in Physics) in 1976. He won a Danforth Fellowship that year that supported his graduate education at Yale University, where he earned a Ph.D. in 1981. He taught at Carleton College and Luther College before taking his current position at Pomona College in 1987, where he won a Wig Award for Distinguished Teaching in 1991. He served as an active member of the steering committee for the national Introductory University Physics Project (IUPP) from 1987 through 1995. This textbook grew out of a model curriculum that he developed for that project in 1989, which was one of only four selected for further development and testing by IUPP.
He has published a number of articles about astrophysical sources of gravitational waves, detection of gravitational waves, and new approaches to teaching physics, as well as a book on general relativity entitled A General Relativity Workbook (University Science Books, 2013). He has also served as a reviewer and as an associate editor for American Journal of Physics. He currently lives in Claremont, California, with his wife Joyce, a retired pastor. When he is not teaching, doing research, or writing, he enjoys reading, hiking, calling contradances, and playing Irish traditional music.


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