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ISBN10: 1265855552 | ISBN13: 9781265855550
* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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With the introduction of Microsoft Outlook 365, In Practice, 2021 Edition, and Windows 11, Microsoft makes a fundamental shift from “Office for Us” to “Microsoft with Others.” This change increases the emphasis on collaboration, accessibility of information, and use and display of information and data.
Author Randy Nordell utilizes the TIP Approach which promotes the transferability of skills from learning and practice to personal, educational, and professional use.
-Topic: Chapter text describes the application feature including where and why it is used.
-Instruction: How To’s provide step-by-step transferable instructions and serve as a reference guide.
-Practice: Pause & Practice projects within each chapter and end-of-chapter projects (Guided, Independent, Advanced, and Challenge) provide a variety of practice to reinforce learning.
Chapter 1: Outlook Overview and Email Basics
Chapter 2: Email Special Features
Chapter 3: Contacts
Chapter 4: Calendar
Chapter 5: Task, To-Do Items, and User Interface
Chapter 6: Folders, Rules, Quick Steps, and Search Folders
Chapter 7: Multiple Email Accounts, Advanced Email Options, RSS Feeds, and Search
Chapter 8: Advanced Contacts
Chapter 9: Advanced Calendars and Sharing
Chapter 10: Notes, Journal, Shortcut, Archiving, and Security
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