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ISBN10: 1266592237 | ISBN13: 9781266592232
* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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Natural Disasters focuses on explaining how the normal processes of Earth concentrate their energies and deal heavy blows to humans and their structures. Students have a natural curiosity about natural disasters and why they occur. This text explains why natural disasters occur by interweaving the themes of Energy sources, Plate tectonics, Climate change, Earth Processes, Geologic time, the complexities of multiple variables operating simultaneously throughout the text.
Chapter 1: Natural Disasters and the Human Population
Chapter 2: Internal Energy and Plate Tectonics
Chapter 3: Earthquake Geology and Seismology
Chapter 4: Plate Tectonics and Earthquakes
Chapter 5: Earthquakes throughout the United States and Canada
Chapter 6: Volcanic Eruptions: Plate Tectonics and Magmas
Chapter 7: Volcano Case Histories: Killer Events
Chapter 8: Tsunami versus Wind-Caused Waves
Chapter 9: External Energy Fuels Weather and Climate
Chapter 10: Tornadoes, Lightning, Heat, and Cold
Chapter 11: Hurricanes
Chapter 12: Climate Change
Chapter 13: Floods
Chapter 14: Wildfire
Chapter 15: Mass Movements
Chapter 16: Coastal Processes and Hazards
Chapter 17: Impacts with Space Objects
Chapter 18: The Great Dyings
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