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ISBN10: 1260486915 | ISBN13: 9781260486919
* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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This Physics textbook presents the basic concepts of physics that students need to know for later courses and future careers. This algebra-based text helps students learn that physics is a tool for understanding the real world, and to teach transferable problem-solving skills, that students can use throughout their entire lives. Some of the most important enhancements in this edition include: inclusion of math topic reviews, new/updated MCAT exam coverage added and on online, review and synthesis problems added, new biomedical applications, lists of biomedical applications at the beginning of each chapter, new ranking tasks, checkpoints, and collaborative problems. Connections have also been enhanced to help students see the bigger picture.
Online Labs for Physics:
Online Labs for Physics is a fully-online lab experience that can be used as an online lab replacement, preparation, supplement or make-up lab to bridge the gap between lab and lecture. These 24 simulations help a student learn the practical and conceptual skills needed, then check for understanding and provide feedback. With pre-lab and post-lab assessment available and editable, instructors can customize each assignment within Connect.
1) Introduction
Part One - Mechanics
2) Motion Along a Line
3) Motion in a Plane
4) Force and Newton’s Laws of Motion
5) Circular Motion
6) Conservation of Energy
7) Linear Momentum
8) Torque and Angular Momentum
9) Fluids
10) Elasticity and Oscillations
11) Waves
12) Sound
Part Two - Thermal Physics
13) Temperature and the Ideal Gas
14) Heat
15) Thermodynamics
Part Three - Electromagnetism
16) Electric Forces and Fields
17) Electric Potential
18) Electric Current and Circuits
19) Magnetic Forces and Fields
20) Electromagnetic Induction
21) Alternating Current
Part Four - Electromagnetic Waves and Optics
22) Electromagnetic Waves
23) Reflection and Refraction of Light
24) Optical Instruments
25) Interference and Diffraction
Part Five - Quantum and Particle Physics
26) Relativity
27) Early Quantum Physics and the Photon
28) Quantum Physics
29) Nuclear Physics
30) Particle Physics
Appendix A - Mathematics Review
Appendix B - Reference Information
Answers to Selected Questions and Problems
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