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ISBN10: 0078026938 | ISBN13: 9780078026935
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Social Inequality: Patterns and Processes introduces key concepts, theories, research findings, and trends associated with the major forms of social inequality. Students will gain a keen awareness of the subtle and often unseen ways in which inequality is structured, and how it impinges on virtually all facets of individual and group life. The 6th edition carries on the tradition of highly accessible and concise narratives, and includes extensive coverage of the latest issues in society both domestic and cross-nationally.
PrefaceChapter 1: An Introduction to the Study of Social Inequality Chapter 2: Theories of Class and Social Inequality Chapter 3: The American Class System Chapter 4: The Upper Class and the Power EliteChapter 5: The Middle Classes Chapter 6: Poverty and the Poor Chapter 7: Stratification Systems and Social Mobility Chapter 8: Ideology and the Legitimation of Inequality Chapter 9: Public Policy and the Class System Chapter 10: Racial/Ethnic Stratification Chapter 11: Gender Inequality Chapter 12: Political Inequality Glossary References Index
Chapter 2: Theories of Class and Social Inequality Chapter 3: The American Class System Chapter 4: The Upper Class and the Power EliteChapter 5: The Middle Classes Chapter 6: Poverty and the Poor Chapter 7: Stratification Systems and Social Mobility Chapter 8: Ideology and the Legitimation of Inequality Chapter 9: Public Policy and the Class System Chapter 10: Racial/Ethnic Stratification Chapter 11: Gender Inequality Chapter 12: Political Inequality Glossary References Index
Chapter 4: The Upper Class and the Power EliteChapter 5: The Middle Classes Chapter 6: Poverty and the Poor Chapter 7: Stratification Systems and Social Mobility Chapter 8: Ideology and the Legitimation of Inequality Chapter 9: Public Policy and the Class System Chapter 10: Racial/Ethnic Stratification Chapter 11: Gender Inequality Chapter 12: Political Inequality Glossary References Index
Chapter 6: Poverty and the Poor Chapter 7: Stratification Systems and Social Mobility Chapter 8: Ideology and the Legitimation of Inequality Chapter 9: Public Policy and the Class System Chapter 10: Racial/Ethnic Stratification Chapter 11: Gender Inequality Chapter 12: Political Inequality Glossary References Index
Chapter 8: Ideology and the Legitimation of Inequality Chapter 9: Public Policy and the Class System Chapter 10: Racial/Ethnic Stratification Chapter 11: Gender Inequality Chapter 12: Political Inequality Glossary References Index
Chapter 10: Racial/Ethnic Stratification Chapter 11: Gender Inequality Chapter 12: Political Inequality Glossary References Index
Chapter 12: Political Inequality Glossary References Index
References Index
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