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Structural Balancing: A Clinical Approach

ISBN10: 0073373923 | ISBN13: 9780073373928

Structural Balancing: A Clinical Approach
ISBN10: 0073373923
ISBN13: 9780073373928
By Kyle Wright

* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.

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Structural Balance: A Clinical Approach by Kyle Wright advances the reader’s clinical knowledge and hands-on skills of trigger point therapy techniques, postural and body structural conditions that cause chronic pain and discomfort, and specific therapies and exercises for resolving those conditions. Appropriate for clinical courses in massage therapy, physical therapy, and chiropractic programs, this text provides a step-by-step illustrated guide of manipulations for easy learning of muscle pains and their causes. Content is practical and treatment specific, discussing muscle attachments, pain patterns, clinical notes, range-of-motion exercises, physical distortions, and proper positioning. Structural Balance teaches employable skills for a variety of healthcare specialties.



Welcome Chapter-Value of Soft Tissue Therapy

Section I: Foundations

Chapter 1: Components of Structure: Bones and Landmarks

Chapter 2: Structural Analysis and Postural Assessment

Chapter 3: Muscle Tension and Causes

Chapter 4: Symptoms and Conditions of Muscle Tension

Chapter 5: Principles of Reversing Muscle Tension

Section II: Clinical Massage Therapy and Structural Bodywork

Chapter 6: Posterior Lower Extremity Compartment (PLEC)

Chapter 7: Anterior Torso Compartment (ATC)

Chapter 8: Anterior Lower Extremity Compartment (ALEC)

Chapter 9: Posterior Torso Compartment (PTC)

Chapter 10: Upper Extremity Compartment (UEC)

Appendix A-Muscles of the Body

Appendix B-Receptor Tonus Principles and Neuro-Physiological Laws

Appendix C-Agonists, Synergist, and Antagonist

Appendix D-Chiropractic and Massage: Symbiotic Health Care-Dr. Kelly Huber

Appendix E- Mind - Body Connection- Robert J. Rotella, Ph.D.

Appendix F- Proper Stages of Rehabilitation of Injured Soft Tissues

References and Resources



Muscle Index


About the Author

Kyle Wright

Founder of “The WrightCenters of AdvancedBodywork, Inc.”; which arehealthcare facilities devotedto the treatment and ongoingclinical research of myofascialimbalances and soft tissue pain.

Kyle graduated in 1984from the Suncoast Schoolof Massage Therapy, Inc.,located in Tampa, Florida.He was certified by the St.John’s Clinical Institute inNeuromuscular Therapy oneyear later. He has assistedon a national level withleading teachers in the field ofNeuromuscular Therapy from1986 through 1991.

Kyle is co-founder and CEOof the Southeastern Schoolof Neuromuscular andMassage Therapy, Inc. wherehe developed the clinicaland practical portion of theneuromuscular and structuralbodywork curriculum.

He is also co-founder and co-ownerof the SoutheasternSchools of Neuromuscularand Massage Therapy, Inc. ofCharlotte, North Carolina andCharleston, Greenville, andColumbia, South Carolina.

Kyle is on the teaching rotationof the Complimentary /Alternative Medicine (CAM)curriculum at the Universityof North Florida, located inJacksonville, Florida. He teachesproper posture, myofascialimbalances and their relation tomusculoskeletal pain. He hasbeen a speaker at:

  • The National Convention forOsteopathic Medicine
  • The Florida ChiropracticConvention
  • Mayo Clinic, Physical TherapyDepartment, Jacksonville,Florida
  • National Certification Coursesfor Strength and ConditioningSpecialists

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