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The Art of Leadership

ISBN10: 1260681327 | ISBN13: 9781260681321

The Art of Leadership
ISBN10: 1260681327
ISBN13: 9781260681321
By George Manning and Kent Curtis

* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.

Instructor Information

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The Art of Leadership is based on two ideas:  
1.  Leadership will take place to the extent the leader cares about the work to be done.  Equally important, the leader must care about people.  Neither of these qualities is sufficient without the other, and neither can be false.  People know when the leader cares.  When the leader is committed to the task and is concerned about people, these qualities serve as magnets and motivators to followers, and their potential for achievement becomes enormous.
2.  Leadership is an art that can be developed through mastery of nine key areas of success.  The successful leader must possess knowledge and skills in the following areas:  understanding leadership variables, the power of vision, the importance of ethics, the empowerment of people, leadership principles, understanding people, multiplying effectiveness, developing others, and performance management. 

The difference between most other leadership texts and the Art of Leadership can be compared to the difference between a lecture and seminar.  Although both are good educational vehicles, the lecture is better for conveying large amounts of information, while the seminar is better for developing skills and attitudes.  A good lecture is interesting and builds knowledge, while a good seminar is stimulating and builds competency.  Without sacrificing either theoretical foundation or important content, the 6th edition of The Art of Leadership emphasizes the interactive, seminar approach to learning. 

The 7th edition remains reader-centered, research-based, practical, and personalized. The Instructor Resources for the 7th edition have been vastly enhanced, including the PowerPoint and test bank.  

Chapter 1 The Importance of Leadership: Setting the Stage
Chapter 2 The Leadership Equation
Chapter 3 Leadership Qualities, Characteristics of Followers, and Situational Factors
Chapter 4 The Importance of Vision and the Motive to Lead
Chapter 5 Organizational Climate
Chapter 6 Leadership Ethics
Chapter 7 The Role of Values and Ethics at Work
Chapter 8 Leadership Authority
Chapter 9 Empowerment in the Workplace and the Quality Imperative
Chapter 10 Effective Leadership and Human Relations
Chapter 11 The Team Concept
Chapter 12 Human Behavior and the Art of Persuasion
Chapter 13 The Diversity Challenge
Chapter 14 Effective Delegation and How to Assign Work
Chapter 15 The Role of Personality
Chapter 16 The Leader as Coach
Chapter 17 Helping People through Change and Burnout Prevention
Chapter 18 Managing Performance
Chapter 19 Professional Performance and Sustaining Discipline
Chapter 20 The Road Ahead: Challenge and Charge  

About the Author

George Manning

George Manning is professor emeritus of psychology at Northern Kentucky University. He is a consultant to business, industry, and government, serving such clients as the AMA, AT&T, General Electric, IBM, Duke Energy, the United Auto Workers, Young Presidents' Organization, the U.S. Navy, and the National Institutes of Health. He lectures on economic and social issues, including quality of work life, workforce values, and business ethics. He maintains an active program of research and writing in organizational psychology. His current studies and interests include the changing meaning of work, leadership ethics, and coping skills for personal and social change.

Kent Curtis

Kent Curtis is professor emeritus of organizational leadership at Northern Kentucky University. He has examined the collegiate tutorial system as a visiting Fellow at the University of Durham in England and has designed numerous employee and management development programs serving such clients as Texas Medical Center, Junior Achievement, Wendy’s International, Procter & Gamble, and American Electric Power. He developed the Northern Kentucky University online organizational leadership degree. His current research includes leading teams, the leader as coach and developer of people, and teaching leadership via distance learning.


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