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ISBN10: 1259622797 | ISBN13: 9781259622793
* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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This classic text explores the lives and ideas of the social thinkers who have shaped and continue to forge traditions in sociology. Focusing on the great names in the field, it weaves biographical and conceptual details into a tapestry of the history of social thought of the 19th and 20th centuries. Written in a narrative style that is accessible and exciting, this text serves as an excellent supplement for courses in social and sociological theory, the history of social thought, the history of sociology, and introduction to sociology.
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• SmartBook® - an adaptive digital version of the course textbook that personalizes your reading experience based on how well you are learning the content.
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• The option to purchase (for a small fee) a print version of the book. This binder-ready, loose-leaf version includes free shipping.
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