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ISBN10: 1264296088 | ISBN13: 9781264296088

* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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America’s Musical Landscape provides readers with an extensive understanding of the progression of American music over time together with an appreciation of the music’s diverse cultural roots. Chapters are enhanced by more than 80 Listening Examples and more than 115 Optional Listening Examples, connections to other arts, and Thinking Critically boxes throughout. Ultimately, the music fundamentals covered will enable students to listen to new music receptively and creatively.
PART 1 Music in Early North America
Chapter 1 North American Indian Music
Chapter 2 Early Folk Music
Chapter 3 Religious Music in the Colonial, Revolutionary, and Federal Periods
Chapter 4 Secular Music in the Colonial, Revolutionary, and Federal Periods
PART 2 The Tumultuous Nineteenth Century
Chapter 5 Religious Music in the Early Nineteenth Century
Chapter 6 Popular Music of the Civil War Era
Chapter 7 Concert Music
PART 3 The Growth of Vernacular Traditions
Chapter 8 The Rise of Popular Culture
Chapter 9 The Jazz Age
Chapter 10 Jazz 1930-1960
Chapter 11 Country Music
Chapter 12 Latin Popular Musics
PART 4 Vernacular Musics Since Rock and Roll
Chapter 13 Rock and Roll
Chapter 14 Rock Flirts with Country
Chapter 15 Late Twentieth-Century Jazz
Chapter 16 Popular Music in the Late Twentieth Century
Chapter 17 Vernacular Music in the Twenty-First Century
PART 5 Music for Theater and Film
Chapter 18 Musical Theater
Chapter 19 Music for Films
Chapter 20 American Opera
PART 6 Tradition and Innovation in Concert Music
Chapter 21 Experimental Music: Revolution
Chapter 22 Early Twentieth-Century Mainstream Concert Music: Evolution
Chapter 23 The Avant-Garde, Continued
Chapter 24 The Recent Mainstream
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