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ISBN10: 1260240886 | ISBN13: 9781260240887

Animal Diversity
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Animal Diversity is tailored for the restrictive requirements of a one-semester or one-quarter course in zoology, and is appropriate for both nonscience and science majors of varying backgrounds. This edition of Animal Diversity presents a survey of the animal kingdom with emphasis on diversity, evolutionary relationships, functional adaptations, and environmental interactions.
2. Animal Ecology
3. Animal Architecture
4. Taxonomy and Phylogeny of Animals
5. Unicellular Eukaryotes
6. Sponges: Phylum Porifera
7. Cnidarians and Ctenophores
8. Xenacoelomorpha, Platyhelminthes,Gastrotricha, Gnathifera, including Chaetognatha, and Mesozoa,
9. Polyzoa and Trochozoa: Cycliophora, Entoprocta, Ectoprocta, Brachiopoda, Phoronida, and Nemertea
10. Molluscs
11. Annelids
12. Smaller Ecdysozoans
13. Arthropods
14. Echinoderms and Hemichordates
15. Vertebrate Beginnings: The Chordates
16. Fishes
17. The Early Tetrapods and Modern Amphibians
18. Amniote Origins and Nonavian Reptiles
19. Birds
20. Mammals
About the Author
Cleveland Hickman, Jr.
Cleveland P. Hickman, Jr., Professor Emeritus of Biology at Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia, has taught zoology and animal physiology for more than 30 years. He received his Ph.D. in comparative physiology from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., in 1958 and taught animal physiology at the University of Alberta before moving to Washington and Lee University in 1967. He has published numerous articles and research papers in fish physiology, in addition to co-authoring these highly successful texts: Integrated Principles of Zoology, Biology of Animals, Animal Diversity, Laboratory Studies in Animal Diversity, and Laboratory Studies in Integrated Principles of Zoology.
Susan Keen
Susan Keen is Lecturer at the Section of Evolution and Ecology of University of California.
Allan Larson
Allan Larson is an Associate Professor at Washington University, St. Louis, MO. He received his Ph.D. in Genetics at the University of California, Berkeley. His fields of specialization include Evolutionary Biology, Molecular Population Genetics and Systematics, and Amphibian Systematics. He's taught courses in general biology, evolution, and population biology.
David Eisenhour
David J. Eisenhour an Associate Professor of Biology at Morehead State University.
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