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ISBN10: 1260728242 | ISBN13: 9781260728248

* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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The 6th Edition of Beginning Algebra continues the Miller/O'Neill/Hyde author team’s approach in addressing the needs of developmental level students to help them get better results. Content updates include new end-of-section activities, prerequisite review exercises, and new study skills videos.
This new edition is available in ALEKS 360. In a single platform, ALEKS provides a balance of adaptive practice for skill mastery and homework, tests, and quizzes for application and assessment so that you can create the assignments your students need to have the best outcome in your course. In addition to content updates to the text, we are continuously adding new features to ALEKS 360–including new video assignments, an enhanced gradebook experience, end-of-chapter questions aligned to the text, and more.
Chapter 2: Linear Equations and Inequalities
Chapter 3: Graphing Linear Equations in Two Variables
Chapter 4: Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables
Chapter 5: Polynomials and Properties of Exponents
Chapter 6: Factoring Polynomials
Chapter 7: Rational Expressions and Equations
Chapter 8: Radicals
Chapter 9: Quadratic Equations, Complex Numbers, and Functions
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