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ISBN10: 0077602951 | ISBN13: 9780077602956

* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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Applications are the hallmark of this series, along with student-friendly pedagogy and engaging examples and exercises. The integration of Connect Hosted by ALEKS, along with new lecture and exercise videos, provides students with the support they need to understand the key concepts of college algebra.
College Algebra, 3e
Chapter R: A Review of Basic Concepts and Skills
Chapter 1: Equations and Inequalities
Chapter 2: Relations, Functions and Graphs
Chapter 3: More on Functions
Chapter 4: Polynomial and Relational Functions
Chapter 5: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Chapter 6: Systems of Equations and Inequalities
Chapter 7: Matrices and Matrix Applications
Chapter 8: Analytical Geometry and the Conic Sections
Chapter 9: Sequences and Series: Counting and Probability
Appendix I: Proof Positive
Appendix II: More on Synthetic Division
Appendix III: More on Determinants
Additional Topics Online
Geometry Review with Unit ConversionExpressions, Tables, and the Graphing Calculator
Mathematical Induction
Conditional Probability; Expected Value
Probability and the Normal Curve
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