My Account Details

ISBN10: 0071829318 | ISBN13: 9780071829311

* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
Instructor Information
Quick Actions (Only for Validated Instructor Accounts):
Hold anyone accountable. Master performance discussions. Get RESULTS.
Broken promises, missed deadlines, poor behavior--they don't just make others' lives miserable; they can sap up to 50 percent of organizational performance and account for the vast majority of divorces. Crucial Accountability offers the tools for improving relationships in the workplace and in life and for resolving all these problems--permanently.
"Revolutionary ideas ... opportunities for breakthrough ..." -- Stephen R. Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
"Unleash the true potential of a relationship or organization and move it to the next level." -- Ken Blanchard, coauthor of The One Minute Manager
"The most recommended and most effective resource in my library." -- Stacey Allerton Firth, Vice President, Human Resources, Ford of Canada
"Brilliant strategies for those difficult discussions at home and in the workplace." -- Soledad O’Brien, CNN news anchor and producer
"This book is the real deal.... Read it, underline it, learn from it. It's a gem." -- Mike Murray, VP Human Resources and Administration (retired), Microsoft
Introduction: What Is Crucial Accountability? And Who Cares?
Part One: Work on Me First
What to Do Before an Accountability Confrontation
Chapter 1: Choose What and If
How to Know What Conversation to Hold and If You Should Hold It
Chapter 2: Master My Stories
How to Get Your Head Right Before Opening Your Mouth
Part Two: Create Safety
What to Do During an Accountability Conversation
Chapter 3: Describe the Gap
How to Start an Accountability Conversation
Chapter 4: Make It Motivating
How to Help Others Want to Take Action
Chapter 5: Make It Easy
How to Make Keeping Commitments (Almost) Painless
Chapter 6: Stay Focused and Flexible
What to Do When Others Get Sidetracked,Scream, or Sulk
Part Three: Move to Action
What to Do After an Accountability Conversation
Chapter 7: Agree on a Plan and Follow Up
How to Gain Commitment and Move to Action
Chapter 8: Put It All Together
How to Solve Big, Sticky, Complicated Problems
Chapter 9: The 12 “Yeah-Buts”
How to Deal with the Truly Tough
Appendix A:
Where Do You Stand?
A Self-Assessment for Measuring Your Accountability Conversation Skills
Appendix B:
Six-Source Diagnostic Questions
The Six-Source Model
Appendix C:
When Things Go Right
Appendix D:
Discussion Questions for Reading Groups
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