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ISBN10: 1260136094 | ISBN13: 9781260136098
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The Most Complete, Up-to-Date CTS-I Exam Study System
Published with AVIXA™, CTS®-I Certified Technology Specialist-Installation Exam Guide, Second Edition provides comprehensive coverage of all exam objectives on the leading internationally recognized certification for audiovisual installation professionals. Each chapter features learning objectives, best practices, diagrams, photos, and chapter review questions with in-depth explanations. Designed to help you prepare for the CTS-I exam, this authoritative resource also serves as an essential on-the-job reference.
Online content includes:
- New CTS-I sample questions from AVIXA
- Link to a library of installation and AV math videos
- Link to AVIXA standards
- Manage an AV project
- Interpret AV documentation
- Conduct pre-installation activities
- Route, pull, and terminate cable
- Mount AV equipment
- Build and wire racks
- Install audio systems
- Install video systems
- Verify systems
- Work with networks
- Perform system closeout
- Maintain and repair AV systems
1 Getting CTS-I Certification
2 The CTS-I Exam
PART II The Basics of AV Installation
3 Managing an AV Project
4 Audiovisual Documentation
5 Pre-installation Activities
PART III System Fabrication
6 Cable Essentials
7 Mounting AV Equipment
8 Rack Build
PART IV AV Installation
9 Audio Systems Installation
10 Video Systems Installation
PART V System Setup, Verification, and Closeout
11 Introduction to System Verification
12 Networks
13 Audiovisual Control Systems
14 Audio Gain and System Equalization
15 Video System Setup and Verification
16 Conducting System Closeout
17 Maintain and Repaire Audiovisual Systems
PART VI Appendices and Glossary
App A Math Formulas Used in AV Installations
App B AVIXA Standards
App C AVIXA AV Standards Clearinghouse
App D Video References
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