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Design of Machinery

ISBN10: 1260113310 | ISBN13: 9781260113310

Design of Machinery
ISBN10: 1260113310
ISBN13: 9781260113310
By Robert Norton

* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.

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Robert L. Norton's sixth edition of DESIGN OF MACHINERY continues the tradition of this best-selling book through its balanced coverage of analysis and design and outstanding use of realistic engineering examples. Through its reader-friendly style of writing, clear exposition of complex topics, and emphasis on synthesis and design, the text succeeds in conveying the art of design as well as the use of modern tools needed for analysis of the kinematics and dynamics of machinery. Topics are explained verbally and visually, often through the use of software, to enhance student understanding. Accompanying the book is an updated online learning center.

Part I Kinematics of Mechanisms

1 Introduction

2 Kinematics Fundamentals

3 Graphical Linkage Synthesis

4 Position Analysis

5 Analytical Linkage Synthesis

6 Velocity Analysis

7 Acceleration Analysis

8 Cam Design

9 Gear Trains

Part II Dynamics of Machinery

10 Dynamics Fundamentals

11 Dynamic Force Analysis

12 Balancing

13 Engine Dynamics

14 Multicylinder Engines

15 Cam Dynamics

16 Cam-and Servo-Driven Mechanisms

Appendix A Computer Programs

Appendix B Material Properties

Appendix C Geometric Properties

Appendix D Spring Data

Appendix E Coupler Curve Atlases

Appendix F Answers to Selected Problems

Appendix G Equations for Under-or Overbalanced Multicylinder Engines


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About the Author

Robert Norton

Robert L. Norton earned undergraduate degrees in both mechanical engineering and industrial technology at Northeastern University and an MS in engineering design at Tufts University. He was awarded a Dr. Eng. (h.c.) by WPI in 2012. He is a registered professional engineer in Massachusetts and Florida. He has extensive industrial experience in engineering design and manufacturing and many years’ experience teaching mechanical engineering, engineering design, computer science, and related subjects at Northeastern University, Tufts University, and Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

Norton has been on the faculty of Worcester Polytechnic Institute since 1981 and is currently Milton Prince Higgins II Distinguished Professor Emeritus in the mechanical engineering department. He taught undergraduate and graduate courses in mechanical engineering with an emphasis on design, kinematics, vibrations, and dynamics of machinery for 31 years at WPI before retiring from active teaching.

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