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Deutsch: Na klar!

ISBN10: 1260016056 | ISBN13: 9781260016055

Deutsch: Na klar!
ISBN10: 1260016056
ISBN13: 9781260016055
By Robert Di Donato and Monica Clyde

* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.

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Deutsch: Na Klar! gives students everything they need to build a solid foundation in Introductory German, with its unique integration of authentic materials and targeted listening and speaking activities, contemporary culture and communicative building blocks. 

The Eighth Edition, available with Connect and Adaptive Learning Assignments, builds on the hallmark features of this program that support the core goals of the Introductory German course:

A flexible approach that immerses students in German language and culture, designed to suit a wide variety of teaching styles, methodologies, and classrooms. 
Engaging video interviews on a variety of chapter topics featuring speakers from varying backgrounds. 
An emphasis on culture through a rich array of authentic visual and textual materials with accompanying activities and exercises. 
Succinct grammar explanations practiced and reinforced by a wealth of exercises and activities. 
A commitment to the balanced development of both receptive skills (listening and reading) and productive skills (speaking and writing).
Abundant communicative activities, from controlled to open-ended as well as many form-focused activities and exercises. 
The promotion of meaningful acquisition of vocabulary and structures with considerable attention to accuracy. 



Kapitel 1 Das bin ich 

Kapitel 2 Wie ich wohne 

Kapitel 3 Familie und Freunde 

Kapitel 4 Mein Tag

Kapitel 5 Einkaufen

Kapitel 6 Wir gehen aus

Kapitel 7 Freizeit und Sport

Kapitel 8 Wie man fit und gesund bleibt

Kapitel 9 In der Stadt

Kapitel 10 Auf Reisen

Kapitel 11 Der Start in die Zukunft

Kapitel 12 Haus und Haushalt

Kapitel 13 Medien und Technik

Kapitel 14 Die öffentliche Meinung

Appendix A

Hin und her: Part 2

Appendix B

Grammar Tables


 German-English Vocabulary

English-German Vocabulary


About the Author

Robert Di Donato

Robert Di Donato is Professor of German and Chair of the Department of German, Russian, and East Asian Languages with Hebrew and Arabic at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. He received his Ph.D. from The Ohio State University. He is the chief academic and series developer of Fokus Deutsch, a telecourse with accompanying texts and materials for teaching and learning German, and coauthor of The Big Yellow Book of German Verbs. He has also edited two volumes for the Central States Conference, written articles aout language methodology, and has given numerous keynote speeches, workshops and presentations - both in the United States and abroad - on teaching methods and teacher education. He has won a number of awards for his work in language education, including the Florence Steiner Award for Leadership in Foreign Language Education.

Monica Clyde

Monica D. Clyde is a native of Düsseldorf. She received her Ph.D. in German literature from the University of California at Berkeley. She has taught German language and literature at Mills College, Cañada College, the Defense Language Institute, and the College of San Mateo. She was Director of Faculty Development and Scholarship at Saint Mary's College of California until her retirement in 2003. She coauthored Texte und Kontexte and was contributor to Mosaik: Deutsch Kultur und Luteratur, Third Edition, both intermediate college-level German textbooks.


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